anterior segment

an·te·ri·or seg·'ment

[TA] a delimited part or section of an organ or other structure that lies in front of or ventral to the other similar parts or sections. See: anterior (bronchopulmonary) segment [S III] [S III], anterior basal (bronchopulmonary) segment [S VIII] [S VIII], anterior inferior renal segment, anterior superior renal segment, anterior segment of eyeball. Synonym(s): segmentum anterius [TA]

anterior segment

The segment of the eyeball (globe) formed by invasion of neural crest cells into the space between the surface ectoderm and the lens vesicle, which develops into corneal epithelium and lens vesicle. The anterior segment is susceptible to lacerations, swelling, trauma and foreign bodies. 
Sclera, conjunctiva.

anterior segment

1. In ophthalmology, the ciliary body, cornea, iris and lens of the eye.2. In dentistry, the canine and incisor teeth.See also: segment

an·te·ri·or seg·ment

(an-tērē-ŏr segmĕnt) [TA] Delimited part or section of an organ or other structure that lies in front of or ventral to similar parts or sections.