

S0376000 (shrīv)v. shrove (shrōv) or shrived, shriv·en (shrĭv′ən) or shrived, shriv·ing, shrives To hear the confession of and give absolution to (a penitent).2. To obtain absolution for (oneself) by confessing and doing penance.v.intr. Archaic 1. To make or go to confession.2. To hear confessions.
[Middle English schriven, from Old English scrīfan, from Latin scrībere, to write; see skrībh- in Indo-European roots.]
shriv′er n.



v. shrove shrived, shriv•en shrived, shriv•ing. v.t. 1. to impose penance on (a sinner). 2. to grant absolution to (a penitent). v.i. Archaic. 3. to confess one's sins, as to a priest. [before 900; Middle English; Old English scrīfan to assign, impose as a penance or sentence, c. Old Frisian skrīva to write, shrive, Old High German scrīban to write, prescribe]