Acronym | Definition |
STL➣Steel |
STL➣Stereolithography |
STL➣Standard Template Library |
STL➣Sooner Than Later |
STL➣Special Tribunal for Lebanon |
STL➣Soil Testing Laboratory (various organizations) |
STL➣Small Town Lottery (Philippines) |
STL➣Space Technology Laboratory |
STL➣Stockage List |
STL➣Software Technologies Ltd. (Kenya) |
STL➣Slower Than Light (science fiction) |
STL➣Store Team Leader (Target stores employee title) |
STL➣String Too Long (computer programming) |
STL➣Short-Term Liquidity |
STL➣Stickler Syndrome |
STL➣State Trust Land (various locations) |
STL➣Sound Transmission Loss |
STL➣Studio Transmitter Link |
STL➣Subtitle File |
STL➣Software Testing Laboratory |
STL➣Sgi Transistor Logic |
STL➣Store Low |
STL➣Store Longword |
STL➣Style Library |
STL➣Strike Team Leader |
STL➣Standards for Technological Literacy (International Technology Education Association) |
STL➣Submerged Turret Loading |
STL➣Speed The Light (youth ministries) |
STL➣School of Teaching and Learning |
STL➣Sojourner Truth Library (New York) |
STL➣Studio-Transmitter Link |
STL➣Short-Term Loan |
STL➣Simple Template Language (computing) |
STL➣System Test Laboratory |
STL➣Silverline Technologies, Ltd. (est. 1992; India) |
STL➣Software Technology Laboratory |
STL➣Sand Trap Louver (air conditioning) |
STL➣Software Technologies Laboratory |
STL➣Savoirs, Textes, Langage (French: Knowledge, Language, Texts) |
STL➣Senior Team Leader |
STL➣Stredni Tlak (Czech: Medium Pressure) |
STL➣Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. |
STL➣Licentiate of Sacred Theology |
STL➣Science and Technology Laboratory |
STL➣Standard Tessellation Language (stereolithography) |
STL➣Special Technologies Laboratory |
STL➣Severn Trent Laboratories Ltd (UK) |
STL➣Software Tool Library |
STL➣Schottky Transistor Logic |
STL➣Science and Technology Library |
STL➣Standard Telegraph Level |
STL➣Science et Technologie du Logiciel (French: Science and Technology Software; training program; various organizations) |
STL➣Slime Time Live (Nickelodeon) |
STL➣Simulation and Test Language |
STL➣Societe des Transports de Laval (French: Laval Transit Corporation; Canada) |
STL➣Scientific Testing Laboratories, Inc |
STL➣Solaris Threading Library (Sun Microsystems API) |
STL➣Sea Train Lines, Inc. |
STL➣Sterlite Telelink Ltd (India) |
STL➣System Threat Library |
STL➣Single-Tree Language (computer theory) |
STL➣Sales, Trading & Logistics |
STL➣Slouching Toward Liverpool |
STL➣Starving-Time Limitation |
STL➣Static Test Load |
STL➣St Louis, MO, USA - Lambert-St Louis International (Airport Code) |
STL➣Standard Transmission Line Model |
STL➣Structured Template Language (C++) |
STL➣Second-Trimester Loss (obstetrics) |
STL➣Standard Training List |
STL➣St. Leonard's College (Brighton East, Australia) |