Voennyi Vestnik

Voennyi Vestnik


(Military Bulletin), a monthly military journal, organ of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. Published in Moscow since 1921.

In 1960 Voennyi vestnik was combined with the journals Tankist (The Tanker), Artilleriiskii zhurnal (Artillery Journal), Voenno-inzhenernyi zhurnal (Military Engineering Journal), and Voennyi sviazist (Military Signalman) into one general military journal under the title Voennyi vestnik. It is written for regular army officers, persons enrolled in courses at military colleges, and reserve officers of the ground forces. The journal’s fundamental tasks are to explain the policy and activity of the CPSU and the Soviet government on questions of building up the military; to elucidate the theory and practice of modern general combat, the role and place of each combat arm in battle, and methods of training and educating personnel; and to acquaint readers with the organization, tactics, weaponry, and experiences in combat preparedness of foreign armies.