

(pī'lō-mā'trik-sō'mă), [MIM*132600] A benign solitary hair follicle tumor, often starting in childhood, containing cells resembling basal cell carcinoma and areas of epithelial necrosis forming eosinophilic ghost cells with variable calcification and foreign body giant cell reaction in the fibrous stroma. Synonym(s): Malherbe calcifying epithelioma [pilo- + matrix + G. -oma, tumor]


(pī'lō-mā'trik-sō'mă) A benign solitary hair follicle tumor containing cells resembling basal cell carcinoma and areas of epithelial necrosis.
Synonym(s): Malherbe calcifying epithelioma.
[pilo- + matrix + G. -oma, tumor]


Albert, French physician, 1845-1915. Malherbe calcifying epithelioma - a benign solitary hair follicle tumor. Synonym(s): Malherbe-Chenantais epithelioma; pilomatrixomaMalherbe-Chenantais epithelioma - Synonym(s): Malherbe calcifying epithelioma