Shrapnell membrane

flac·cid part of tym·pan·ic mem·brane

[TA] triangular loose part of tympanic membrane between the malleolar folds. Synonym(s): pars flaccida membranae tympanicae [TA], flaccid membrane, membrana flaccida, Rivinus membrane, Shrapnell membrane

Shrapnell membrane

S08-858180 (shrap'nel) [Henry J. Shrapnell, British anatomist, 1761–1841] A small triangular portion of the tympanic membrane lying above the malleolar folds. It is thin and lax and attached directly to the petrous bone at the tympanic notch (notch of Rivinus). Synonym: pars flaccida membranae tympani; Rivinus ligament


Henry J., English anatomist, 1761-1841. Shrapnell membrane - triangular part of tympanic membrane between the malleolar folds. Synonym(s): flaccid part of tympanic membrane