Acronym | Definition |
TOA➣Token of Appreciation (marketing) |
TOA➣Transfer of Accountability (Health Standards Association; Canada) |
TOA➣Trials of Apollo (gaming) |
TOA➣Table of Acronyms |
TOA➣Transfer of Affection |
TOA➣Time Of Arrival |
TOA➣Transfer of Authority |
TOA➣Top of the Atmosphere |
TOA➣Trials of Ascension (role-playing game) |
TOA➣Trials of Atlantis (game) |
TOA➣Täter-Opfer-Ausgleich (German: Offender-Victim Mediation; Austria) |
TOA➣Tdm over Atm |
TOA➣Table of Authorities |
TOA➣Take-Off Angle |
TOA➣Terms Of Agreement |
TOA➣Table of Authorities (legal documents) |
TOA➣Transfer of Assets |
TOA➣Truth On-Air (Christian Internet radio station) |
TOA➣Tubo-Ovarian Abscess |
TOA➣Tape on Air (broadcasting) |
TOA➣Theater of Operations |
TOA➣Total Obligation(al) Authority |
TOA➣Tornado Watch (Emergency Alert System Code) |
TOA➣Table of Allowance |
TOA➣Tradeoff Analysis |
TOA➣Type of Address (telecom/computing) |
TOA➣Time-Off Award |
TOA➣Texas Orthopaedic Association |
TOA➣Taxi Owners Association (UK) |
TOA➣Task Order Agreement (contracting) |
TOA➣Trace Organic Analysis |
TOA➣Threshold of Audibility |
TOA➣Teacher on Assignment |
TOA➣Temple of Ages (gaming, Guild Wars) |
TOA➣Team Outdoor Addicts |
TOA➣Transporte Oruga Acorazado (Spanish: Armored Personnel Carrier) |
TOA➣Transportation Operating Agency |
TOA➣Table of Allocation |
TOA➣The Outlaw Army (gaming clan) |
TOA➣Transocean Airlines (1946-1960) |
TOA➣Thermooptical Analysis |
TOA➣Teens of America |
TOA➣Torrance, California Municipal Airport (Zamperini Field; airport code) |
TOA➣Theatre Owners of America |
TOA➣Trim on Assembly (aircraft/automotive assembly) |
TOA➣Table of Organization and Allowance |
TOA➣Terra Ocean Atmosphere |
TOA➣Tarifordnung für Angestellte des Öffentlichen Dienstes (public service salary scheme, since 1961 BAT) |
TOA➣Tangent of Angle X = Opposite Side Length / Adjacent Side Length (Right Angled Triangle) |
TOA➣Task Order Analysis |
TOA➣Toyota of America (automobile retailer) |