Akmal Ikramov

Ikramov, Akmal’ Ikramovich


Born in September 1898; died Mar. 13, 1938. Soviet state and party figure. One of the organizers of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan. Member of the Communist Party from 1918. Born to an Uzbek peasant family in Tashkent.

Ikramov did party work in Fergana, Tashkent, and Namangan. He worked as vice-chairman of the Namangan revolutionary committee and later as secretary of the Fergana and Syr Darya oblast committees of the RCP (Bolshevik). During 1921–22 he headed the organization section and was secretary of the Central Committee (CC) of the CP of Turkmenistan. In 1922 he began studying at the Ia. M. Sverdlov Communist University in Moscow. He was secretary of the Tashkent oblast committee from January 1925 and simultaneously secretary of the CC CP(B) of Uzbekistan from March 1925 and first secretary of the CC CP(B) of Uzbekistan and secretary of the Middle Asian Bureau of the CC ACP(B) from 1929.

Ikramov was a delegate to the twelfth and fourteenth through seventeenth Congresses of the party; he was elected candidate member at the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Sixteenth Congresses and a member of the CC ACP(B) at the Seventeenth. He was a member of the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the USSR and candidate member of the Presidium of the CEC. He was awarded the Order of Lenin.


Khasanov, K. Tovarishch AkmaV. Ozhizni i deiatel’nosti A. I. Ikramova. Tashkent, 1970.