Acronym | Definition |
TDV➣Tanz der Vampire (German: Dance of the Vampire) |
TDV➣Test Device |
TDV➣Teen Dating Violence |
TDV➣Tony De Vit |
TDV➣Toyota de Venezuela (Spanish: Venezuela Toyota) |
TDV➣The Digital Village (digital media/communications company; UK; est. 1994) |
TDV➣Time Dependent Valuation (energy) |
TDV➣TDVision (high definition stereo 3D acquisition, broadcast and playback) |
TDV➣Triple Duty Valve |
TDV➣Théatre de Verre (French: Glass Theater; France) |
TDV➣Truth Duty Valour (TV show) |
TDV➣Truth, Duty, Valour (motto of The Royal Military College of Canada) |
TDV➣Technische Dienstvorschrift (German Army) |
TDV➣Total Document Volume (office automation) |
TDV➣Théatre des Variétés (French: Variety Theater; Montreal, Quebec, Canada) |
TDV➣Technology Development Vehicle |
TDV➣Temporary Design Variation |
TDV➣Technical Data Violation (USAF) |
TDV➣Time Dependent Variable |
TDV➣Torrent de Vie (French: Torrent Life; Brussels, Belgium; est. 1995) |
TDV➣Tête De Veau (French: calf head) |
TDV➣Technical Data Verification |