adventitial cell


(per'i-sīt), Do not confuse this word with parasite.One of the slender, mesenchymallike cells found in close association with the outside wall of postcapillary venules; it is relatively undifferentiated and may become a fibroblast, endothelial cell, or smooth muscle cell. Synonym(s): adventitial cell, pericapillary cell, perithelial cell [peri- + G. kytos, cell]


(per'i-sīt) One of the slender mesenchymallike cells found in close association with the outside wall of postcapillary venules; it is relatively undifferentiated and may become a fibroblast, macrophage, or smooth muscle cell.
Synonym(s): adventitial cell.
[peri- + G. kytos, cell]

adventitial cell

A macrophage along a blood vessel, together with perivascular undifferentiated cells associated with it. See also: cell