pili torti


 [pi´lus] (L.) 1. hair. adj., adj pi´lial.2. one of the minute filamentous appendages of certain bacteria associated with antigenic properties and sex functions of the cell. Called also fimbria. adj., adj pi´liate.pi´li cunicula´ti a condition characterized by hairs" >burrowing hairs.F pilus in bacterial genetics, a hollow tubular pilus possessed by (male) F+ cells, the carrier of the F plasmid (fertility plasmid). It forms a connection with a (female) F cell in bacterial conjugation to allow the transfer of genetic material.pi´li incarna´ti a condition characterized by hairs" >ingrown hairs.pi´li tor´ti a condition characterized by hairs" >twisted hairs.

pi·'li tor·'ti

[MIM*261900] a condition in which many hair shafts are twisted on the long axis, congenital or acquired as a result of distortion of the follicles from a scarring inflammatory process, mechanical stress, or cicatrizing alopecia; the hair shafts resemble spangles in reflected light, are brittle, and break at varying lengths with many areas appearing bald with a dark stubble; as a developmental defect it can be manifested in such syndromes as Bjornstad, Crandall, and Menkes. Synonym(s): twisted hairs

pili torti

A hair shaft defect, seen in ash-blondes, where hair is grooved and flattened at varying intervals and twisted on its axis; the defect is usually recognized by age 2-3, the hair having a 'spangled' appearance; it is either an AR condition.a sui generis or part of the X-R Menke's kinky hair syndrome, associated with mental retardation. Cf Ringed hair, Wooly hair.

pi·li tor·ti

(pī'lī tōr'tī) A condition in which many hair shafts are twisted on the long axis; congenital, or acquired as a result of distortion of the follicles from a scarring inflammatory process, mechanical stress, or cicatrizing alopecia; the hair shafts resemble spangles in reflected light, are brittle, and break at varying lengths, with many areas appearing bald with a dark stubble; as a developmental defect, it can be manifested in Björnstad, Crandall, and Menkes syndromes.
Synonym(s): twisted hairs.