unhealthy lifestyle

unhealthy lifestyle

Public health A dissipated personal modus operandum, which may be characterized by one or more of the following: substance abuse–eg, alcohol, drug and/or tobacco use, debauchery, sexual promiscuity and/or teenage pregnancy, poor sleep hygiene, domestic violence, and other unhealthy habits

Patient discussion about unhealthy lifestyle

Q. If the lie is our truth & living the truth feels fake & unreal how do we persevere to the needed chang there's the real me, good & underdeveloped. there is the worldly me, challenged as all of us probably are. there is the addict me, afflicted half or more of my life, developed & strong. two out of three are tough odds to deal with...A. the battle against your own self is harsh and there will be casualties. reality is based on your own definition of the world around you, but it also based on how the world defines you. this is your escape from the inner struggle- define yourself and your actions not by your own faulty judgment but by how the world and it's moral judge you.
good luck.

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