Saw, Circular Trimming

Saw, Circular Trimming


a woodworking machine for sawing standard-format items (by cutting edges and patterns) from plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, and similar materials.

A circular trimming saw has a bed on which are mounted shafts with circular saws, a feed mechanism, and electric drives. The number of saws varies from one to ten, and the saw diameters range from 200 to 500 mm; the saw teeth have faces made of a hard alloy. The material is placed in stacks and arranged in the feed carriage, which passes through the sawing zone. Sawing in the direction of the feed is performed only by those saws that provide the necessary pattern. Sawing in a direction perpendicular to the feed is performed by saws engaged after the placement of the carriage in a position corresponding to the length or width of the pattern.

Straight-pass circular trimming saws have four saw blades—two installed parallel to the lengthwise feed of the material and two placed perpendicular to the feed. Each workpiece is placed between supports on an apron conveyor and is gripped by special mechanisms in the sawing zone. After the two edges have been sawed by the first pair of saw blades, the workpiece is turned 90° and enters the zone of the second pair of blades, where the remaining two edges are sawed.


Derevoobrabatyvaiushchee oborudovanie: Katalog-spravochnik. [Moscow, 1972.]