释义 |
trans·fec·tion T0316100 (trăns-fĕk′shən)n. Introduction of a segment of DNA or RNA into a eukaryotic cell by means of one of a variety of physical or chemical methods or through viral infection. [trans- + (in)fection.] trans·fect′ v.transfection (trænsˈfɛkʃən) n (Genetics) the transfer into another cell of genetic material isolated from a cell or virustrans•fec•tion (trænsˈfɛk ʃən) n. the insertion into a bacterial cell of a viral nucleic acid in order to cause the cell to produce the virus. [1964; trans- + (in) fection] trans•fect′, v.t. Translationstransfection
transfection[trans′fek·shən] (genetics) Infection of a cell with viral deoxyribonucleic acid or ribonucleic acid. transfection
trans·fec·tion (trans-fek'shŭn), A method of gene transfer using infection of a cell with nucleic acid (as from a retrovirus) resulting in subsequent viral replication in the transfected cell. [trans- + infection] transfection (trăns-fĕk′shən)n. Introduction of a segment of DNA or RNA into a eukaryotic cell by means of one of a variety of physical or chemical methods or through viral infection. trans·fect′ v.trans·fec·tion (trans-fek'shŭn) A method of gene transfer using infection of a cell with nucleic acid (as from a retrovirus) resulting in subsequent viral replication in the transfected cell. [trans- + infection]transfection Gene transfer by infection of a cell with nucleic acid by a virus, followed by viral replication in the affected cell.transfection a method of introducing the purified DNA of a VIRUS into CELLS.trans·fec·tion (trans-fek'shŭn) A method of gene transfer using infection of a cell with nucleic acid (as from a retrovirus) resulting in subsequent viral replication in the transfected cell. [trans- + infection] |