Savitskas, Augustinas

Savitskas, Augustinas


(Augustinas Savìckas). Born May 12, 1919, in Copenhagen. Soviet painter and art critic. Honored Art Worker of the Lithuanian SSR (1965). Member of the CPSU since 1958.

From 1945 to 1949, Savitskas studied at the Vilnius Art Institute under J. Vienozinskis and V. Mackevičius. He taught at the Art Institute of the Lithuanian SSR from 1951 to 1973. His paintings dealing with historical and revolutionary themes are characterized by a stern dramatic tone, by decoratively and rhythmically integrated composition, and by tense interplay between areas of contrasting color. Such works include Requiem (1963–65; Lidice, Czechoslovakia), In a Village Burned by the Fascists (1965; Art Museum of the Lithuanian SSR, Vilnius), and In Liberated Vilnius: Summer 1944 (1965; property of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR). Savitskas was awarded the State Prize of the Lithuanian SSR in 1966. He also paints landscapes, portraits, and still lifes.


[Savickas, A.] Peizažas lietuvių tapyboje. Vilnius, 1965.


A. Savitskas, Khudozhestvennaia vystavka: Katalog. [Vilnius] 1969. (In Lithuanian, Russian, and English.)