Valentina Ivanovna Gaganova

Gaganova, Valentina Ivanovna


Born Jan. 3, 1932, in the village of Tsiribukhovo, Kalinin Oblast. Brigade leader in a spinning factory of the Vyshnii Volochek Cotton Combine. Pioneer in the movement for the transfer of advanced production workers to lagging divisions with a view to raising them to the levels of the advanced divisions (1958). Hero of Socialist Labor (1959). Member of the CPSU since 1957.

From 1958 to 1962, Gaganova worked in three lagging brigades, which under her leadership won the title of Communist Labor Brigade. Gaganova’s innovation began to be practiced on a large scale by workers in the USSR and other socialist countries. At the Twenty-second (1961) and Twenty-third (1966) Congresses of the CPSU she was elected a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU. She was a deputy to the sixth convocation of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Gaganova has been awarded the Order of Lenin and medals.


Ne radi korysti. [Moscow] 1959.
O samom dorogom. Moscow, 1963.