pigmented villonodular synovitis

pig·men·ted vil·lo·nod·u·lar syn·o·vi·tis

diffuse outgrowths of synovial membrane of a joint, usually the knee, composed of synovial villi and fibrous nodules infiltrated by hemosiderin- and lipid-containing macrophages and multinucleated giant cells; the condition may be inflammatory, although recurrence is likely to follow incomplete removal. Synonym(s): chronic hemorrhagic villous synovitis

pigmented villonodular synovitis

Orthopedics A lesion of knee–less commonly, ankle, hip, shoulder of young adults Management Excision, re-excision DiffDx Fibrosarcoma, synovial sarcoma, incontinentia pigmenti

pig·men·ted vil·lo·nod·u·lar sy·no·vi·tis

(pig-ment'ed vil'ō-nod'yū-lăr sin'ō-vī'tis) Diffuse outgrowths of synovial membrane of a joint, usually the knee, composed of synovial villi and fibrous nodules infiltrated by hemosiderin- and lipid-containing macrophages and multinucleated giant cells; the condition may be inflammatory, although recurrence is likely to follow incomplete removal.