pigmentary retinopathy

ret·i·ni·tis pig·men·to·'sa (RP),

[MIM*268000] a progressive retinal degeneration characterized by bilateral nyctalopia, constricted visual fields, electroretinogram abnormalities, and pigmentary infiltration of the inner retinal layers; may be sporadic or demonstrate autosomal dominant [MIM*180100], autosomal recessive, or X-linked inheritance [MIM*268000, *312600, *312610]. Synonym(s): pigmentary retinopathy

pig·men·tar·y re·ti·nop·a·thy

(pig'mĕn-tar-ē ret'i-nop'ă-thē) Photoreceptor degeneration associated with pigmentary changes in the retina and choroid.
See also: retinitis pigmentosa