Walachian Revolt of 1821
Walachian Revolt of 1821
(Vladimirescu Revolt), a popular uprising in the Danubian principalities directed against the yoke of the local boyars and the Phanariot Greeks, as well as Turkish oppression.
The driving forces of the Walachian Revolt were the peasants and the merchants and artisans—the rising bourgeoisie. The revolt was prepared and led by T. Vladimirescu. It began in January in Oltenia, from which it spread to all of Walachia and several regions of Moldavia. The rebel forces grew to 10,000 men. On March 21 the army of insurgents entered Bucharest. The boyars summoned Turkish troops, who invaded the territory of Walachia at the beginning of May and reached Bucharest on May 16. In order to gain time to organize resistance to the Turks, Vladimirescu entered into negotiations with them. Suspected of collaborating with the Turks, he was seized and killed on the night of May 27 by the Etairists, who were led by A. Ypsilantis. The revolt was cruelly suppressed by Turkish troops. The practical result of the Walachian Revolt was the liquidation of the Phanariot regime.
Samoilov, S. I. “Narodno-osvoboditel’noe vosstanie 1821 g. v Valakhii.” Voprosy istorii, 1955, no. 10.Berindei, D., and T. Muta§cu. Aspectele militare à le râscoalei populare din 1821. Bucharest, 1962.