释义 |
pigbel pig·bel (pig'bĕl), A type of necrotizing enteritis endemic in the Papua New Guinea highlands caused by the B toxin of Clostridium perfringens type C; occurs predominantly in children because of poor immunity to type B toxin and a low level of intestinal proteases, resulting from a diet (mostly sweet potatoes) low in protein.A condition linked to undercooked pork infected with Clostridium perfringens type C, consumed in 3–4-day pork-eating ‘marathons’; pigbel is endemic in the New Guinea highlands, affecting children with a poor immune response to clostridial toxins, decreased proteases, protein-poor diet, high in sweet potatoes, which contain trypsin inhibitors Mortality Up to 40%en·ter·i·tis ne·cro·ti·cans (en'tĕr-ī'tis ne-krot'i-kanz) Condition involving necrosis of the bowel wall caused by Clostridium welchii. Synonym(s): pigbel. |