Sava Tsolov Ganovskii
Ganovskii, Sava Tsolov
(pseudonym, Trudin). Born Mar. 1, 1897, in the village of Kunino, Vratsa Province. Bulgarian Marxist philosopher, educator, and public figure. Hero of Socialist Labor of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria (1963) and Hero of Bulgaria (1967). Member of the Bulgarian Communist Party since 1918. Chairman of the Bureau of the People’s Assembly of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and of the interparliamentary group since 1965. Professor since 1946 and academician of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences since 1952. Corresponding member of the Rumanian Academy of Sciences since 1957 and of the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin since 1963. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR since 1971.
Ganovskii studied at the University of Sofia until 1922. He received advanced training in Germany from 1923 to 1928 and in the USSR, at the Institute of the Red Professoriat, from 1928 to 1931. He participated in the antifascist and partisan movement in Bulgaria in 1944. After Sept. 9, 1944, he held several state and party posts, mainly in the field of science and culture. He has been a member of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party since 1954.
Ganovskii is known for his works on the history of philosophy, on dialectical and historical materialism, on the theory of socialist culture, and on communist upbringing. Beginning in 1927 with the publication of “Leninism and Dialectics” in the journal Komunistichesko zname (1927, books 1-2), Ganovskii has been popularizing and developing the Leninist philosophical heritage. He has elucidated the role of the Leninist phase in the development of Marxist philosophy and written critiques of various currents of bourgeois philosophy (including Rehmke’s philosophy) and of the views of Kautsky. Ganovskii received the Dimitrov Prize in 1950 and was awarded the Order of Dimitrov in 1957 and in 1959.
Osnovni napravleniia vuv filosofiiata. Sofia, 1934.Osnovni zakoni na nauchnata filosofiia. Sofia, 1940.
Problemy na vuzpitanieto. Sofia, 1940.
Kratka istoriia na filosofiiata ot drevnosta do nai-novo vreme, 2nd ed. Sofia, 1945.
Obshtestveno ikonomicheskata formatsiia i mirnoto suvmestno sushtestvuvane. Sofia, 1962.