释义 |
reptile genus ThesaurusNoun | 1. | reptile genus - a genus of reptilesCraniata, subphylum Craniata, subphylum Vertebrata, Vertebrata - fishes; amphibians; reptiles; birds; mammalsChelonia, genus Chelonia - green turtlesCaretta, genus Caretta - loggerhead turtlesgenus Lepidochelys, Lepidochelys - ridleysEretmochelys, genus Eretmochelys - hawksbillsDermochelys, genus Dermochelys - type genus of the Dermochelyidae: leatherback turtlesChelydra, genus Chelydra - snapping turtlesgenus Macroclemys, Macroclemys - includes the alligator snapping turtlegenus Kinosternon, Kinosternon - type genus of the Kinosternidaegenus Sternotherus, Sternotherus - musk turtlesgenus Malaclemys, Malaclemys - American terrapinsgenus Pseudemys, Pseudemys - sliders; red-bellied terrapingenus Terrapene, Terrapene - box turtlesChrysemys, genus Chrysemys - painted turtlesgenus Testudo, Testudo - type genus of the Testudinidaegenus Geochelone, Geochelone - giant tortoisesgenus Gopherus, Gopherus - gopher tortoisesgenus Xerobates, Xerobates - possible new genus for desert and Texas tortoises based on recent researchgenus Trionyx, Trionyx - type genus of the Trionychidaegenus Sphenodon, Sphenodon - coextensive with the order Rhynchocephalia: tuatarasgenus Ptychozoon, Ptychozoon - flying geckosColeonyx, genus Coleonyx - banded geckosgenus Pygopus, Pygopus - type genus of the Pygopodidae; snake-shaped pleurodont lizard with no forelimbs and only rudimentary hind limbsgenus Iguana - type genus of the IguanidaeAmblyrhynchus, genus Amblyrhynchus - marine iguanasDipsosaurus, genus Dipsosaurus - desert iguanasgenus Sauromalus, Sauromalus - chuckwallasCallisaurus, genus Callisaurus - zebra-tailed lizardgenus Uma, Uma - fringe-toed lizardgenus Holbrookia, Holbrookia - earless lizardsCrotaphytus, genus Crotaphytus - collared lizardsGambelia, genus Gambelia - leopard lizardsgenus Sceloporus, Sceloporus - spiny lizardsgenus Uta, Uta - a reptile genus of Iguanidaegenus Urosaurus, Urosaurus - a reptile genus of Iguanidaegenus Phrynosoma, Phrynosoma - horned lizardsBasiliscus, genus Basiliscus - a reptile genus of IguanidaeAnolis, genus Anolis - New World chameleonsAmphisbaenia, genus Amphisbaena, genus Amphisbaenia, Amphisbaena - type genus of the Amphisbaenidaegenus Scincus, Scincus - type genus of Scincidaegenus Scincella, Scincella - a reptile genus of ScincidaeEumeces, genus Eumeces - New World skinksCordylidae, family Cordylidae - small family of spiny ovoviviparous African lizardsCordylus, genus Cordylus - type genus of the Cordylidae; spiny lizards somewhat resembling tiny crocodilesCnemidophorus, genus Cnemidophorus - whiptailsgenus Tupinambis, Tupinambis - tejusgenus Agama - type genus of the AgamidaeChlamydosaurus, genus Chlamydosaurus - frilled lizardsgenus Draco, Draco - a reptile genus known as flying dragons or flying lizardsgenus Moloch - genus of Australian desert lizardgenus Gerrhonotus, Gerrhonotus - alligator lizardsAnguis, genus Anguis - type genus of the Anguidae: blindwormsgenus Ophisaurus, Ophisaurus - glass lizards |
reptile genus