

单词 tnc
释义 DictionarySeeGP



(hardware)A threaded version of a BNC.



A gene on chromosome 9q32-q34 that encodes an extracellular matrix protein with a spatially and temporally restricted tissue distribution. It plays a role in guiding migrating neurons, as well as axons, during development, synaptic plasticity, and neuronal regeneration.


TNCThe Nature Conservancy
TNCTerms and Conditions
TNCTogainu No Chi (anime)
TNCTransportation Network Companies (ridesharing)
TNCTerminal Node Controller
TNCTeam and Concepts (Hong Kong)
TNCThird National Communication (UN)
TNCThreaded Neil Concelman
TNCTarantella Native Client
TNCTrusted Network Connect
TNCTotal Network Cost
TNCTrade Negotiations Committee (Free Trade Area of the Americas)
TNCTroponin C
TNCThe New Criterion (est. 1982; arts magazine)
TNCTokai Network Club (Japan)
TNCThreaded Neill-Concelman (connector named for its inventors)
TNCThe Network Company (various locations)
TNCTotal Nonstructural Carbohydrates (vegetation)
TNCTotal Nucleated Cell
TNCTrans-National Corporation (MNC)
TNCTouch and Convert
TNCTransnational Company
TNCTentative Non-Confirmation (employment verification; US DHS)
TNCTatter and Company (software; South Korea)
TNCTroponin C, Cardiac
TNCThe Nordic Company (Denmark)
TNCThe Nation's Capitol
TNCThe Newsletter Company (Dallas, TX)
TNCTransnational Competence
TNCTerminal Node Control
TNCTransit Node Clock (DSC)
TNCThe North Community (band)
TNCTraditional Net Cost (insurance)
TNCTransnational Consulting (trade group; France and Germany)
TNCTrees Not Cars (San Francisco, CA)
TNCThe Nottingham Company
TNCTotal Number of Credits (scholastic record)
TNCTheater Network Center
TNCThermal Neutron Counter
TNCTrunk Node Control
TNCTravel Network Coordinator




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