shout (something) from the housetop(s)

shout (something) from the housetop(s)

To share some news or information publicly and with as many people as possible. I was ready to shout that we'd be having a baby from the housetops, but my wife wanted to wait for a while before we made the news public. I know you want to shout it from the housetop that you came in first in your class, but you should have a bit of modesty about it.See also: shout

shout, etc. something from the ˈhousetops/ˈrooftops

(informal) tell something to everyone: Don’t shout it from the housetops, will you? I want to keep it a secret just between us for a while.He was in love and wanted to shout it from the rooftops. OPPOSITE: keep quiet about somethingSee also: housetop, rooftop, something