Still, William Grant

Still, William Grant,

1895–1978, American composer, b. Woodville, Miss. Still was of Native American, African-American, and European ancestry. He studied music at Oberlin, with Chadwick at the New England Conservatory, and with Edgar Varèse. Much of his music reflects his African heritage. Among his works are four ballets, five symphonies, and seven operas. His opera Troubled Island (1941) is set to a libretto by Langston Hughes.


See his essays (ed. by R. Haas, 1972).

Still, William Grant

(1895–1978) composer; born in Woodville, Miss. Called "the dean of Afro-American composers," he worked with W. C. Handy and graduated from Oberlin College. His music, while classical in technique, grew out of black life; his works include the Afro-American Symphony (1931).