still layer

still lay·er

the layer of the bloodstream in the capillary vessels, next to the wall of the vessel, that flows slowly and transports the white blood cells along the layer wall, whereas in the center the flow is rapid and transports the red blood cells. Synonym(s): plasma layer, Poiseuille space, sluggish layer

still lay·er

(stil lā'ĕr) The layer of the bloodstream in the capillary vessels, next to the wall of the vessel, which flows slowly and transports the white blood cells along the layer wall, whereas in the center the flow is rapid and transports the red blood cells.
Synonym(s): Poiseuille space.


Jean Léonard Marie, French physiologist and physicist, 1797-1869. poise - the unit of viscosity equal to 1 dyne-second per square centimeter and to 0.1 pascal-second.Poiseuille equationPoiseuille law - describes the volume flow rate of a liquid through a tube.Poiseuille space - Synonym(s): still layerPoiseuille viscosity coefficient - an expression of the viscosity as determined by the capillary tube method.