

单词 should



S0368300 (sho͝od)aux.v. Past tense of shall 1. Used to express obligation or duty: You should send her a note.2. Used to express probability or expectation: They should arrive at noon.3. Used to express conditionality or contingency: If she should fall, then so would I.4. Used to moderate the directness or bluntness of a statement: I should think he would like to go.Usage Note: Just as they ignore the traditional rules governing the use of shall and will, Americans largely ignore the traditional rules governing the use of should and would. The two verbs are not always interchangeable, however. To express duty or obligation, should is required and functions as the equivalent of ought to: I (or you or he) should go. But would (and not should) is used to express willingness or promise (I agreed that I would do it) and to express habitual action in the past (In those days we would walk along the canal at night). Would also has the advantage of being a polite substitute for will in requests: Would you lend me a dollar? Either should or would can be used in the first person to express the future from the point of view of the past, but one should bear in mind that should sounds more formal than would: He swore that I should (or less formally, would) pay for the remark. The same principle applies to the verb in sentences that express a hypothetical condition or event: If I had known that, I would (or more formally, should) have answered differently. In the second and third persons, however, only would is used: She assured us that she would (not should) return. If he had known that, he would (not should) have answered differently. · Choosing which verb to use in conditional clauses, such as those beginning with if, can be tricky. In certain clauses, should is used for all three persons: If I (or you or he) should decide to go, we will need a larger car. If it should begin to snow, we will stay here tonight. Would is not acceptable in these if clauses, but it does appear in other kinds of conditional clauses: He might surprise you if you would give him a chance. The best advice is to follow what sounds most natural. When in doubt, writers can try a verb form in the indicative (if it begins to snow) or the subjunctive (if you were to give him a chance). See Usage Notes at if, rather, shall.


(ʃʊd) vb (Grammar) the past tense of shall: used as an auxiliary verb to indicate that an action is considered by the speaker to be obligatory (you should go) or to form the subjunctive mood with I or we (I should like to see you; if I should be late, go without me). See also shall[Old English sceold; see shall]Usage: Should has, as its most common meaning in modern English, the sense ought as in I should go to the graduation, but I don't see how I can. However, the older sense of the subjunctive of shall is often used with I or we to indicate a more polite form than would: I should like to go, but I can't. In much speech and writing, should has been replaced by would in contexts of this kind, but it remains in formal English when a conditional subjunctive is used: should he choose to remain, he would be granted asylum


auxiliary v. 1. pt. of shall. 2. (used to indicate duty, propriety, or expediency): You should not do that. 3. (used to express condition): Were he to arrive, I should be pleased. 4. (used to make a statement less direct or blunt): I should think you would apologize. [Middle English sholde, Old English sc(e)olde; see shall] usage: Rules similar to those for choosing between shall and will have long been advanced for should and would, but most educated native speakers of American English do not follow the textbooks. In most constructions, would is the auxiliary chosen regardless of the subject: If our allies supported the move, we would abandon any claim to sovereignty. Because the main function of should in modern American English is to express duty, necessity, etc., its use for other purposes, as to form a subjunctive, can produce ambiguity, at least initially: I should get my flu shot if I were you. Furthermore, should seems an affectation to many Americans in certain constructions quite common to British English: I should (American would) really prefer a different arrangement. See also shall.


1. basic uses

Should is sometimes used with a similar meaning to 'ought to' and sometimes with a similar meaning to 'would'.

Should has the negative form should not. The not is not usually pronounced in full. When you write down what somebody says, you write shouldn't.

The following are some less common uses of should. When should is used in any of these ways, you pronounce it in full and you do not write it as ''d'.

2. 'should' in subordinate clauses

Should is sometimes used in subordinate clauses, especially in writing. You use it in 'that'-clauses after verbs like propose and suggest.

He proposes that the Government should hold an inquiry.His vets advised that the horse should be put down.Someone suggested that they break into small groups.

In formal English, should is sometimes used in conditional clauses.

We worry about them having to suffer taunts and ridicule if anyone should find out.

In a sentence like this, should can be put at the beginning of the clause, followed by the subject.

Should ministers decide to instigate an inquiry, we would welcome it.

In conversation and most kinds of writing, it is not necessary to use should in this kind of clause. You just use the simple present tense. For example, instead of saying 'If he should come, we will talk to him', you say 'If he comes, we will talk to him'.

3. requests and offers

When you are making a formal request or offer, you can use should in a conditional sentence.

I should be obliged if you would send them to me.If you know of a better method, I should be delighted to try it.If I could help, I would be delighted to do anything I can.I would like to ask you one question please.
4. announcements

You can use should with like when you are formally announcing that you are going to do something.

We should like to make the following proposals.I would like to make some general observations.
5. purpose clauses

Should can be used after I or we in a purpose clause.

He left the dirty things in his bedroom on purpose so that I would see them.
6. wishes and requests

You can express a wish by using I should like .

I should like to live in the country.

You can say what you do not want by using I shouldn't like.

I shouldn't like Amanda to see more of him than is absolutely unavoidable.I would like to be able to help.I wouldn't like to live in the city.
7. possible situations

You use should after I or we to say that something is certain to happen in particular circumstances.

I should be very unhappy on the continent.We would be glad to have money of our own.


– ought to">ought to1. expectation

You use should or ought to to say that you expect something to happen.

We should be there by dinner time.It ought to get easier with practice.

You use should or ought to with have and an -ed participle to say that you expect something to have happened already.

You should have heard by now that I'm O.K.It's ten o'clock, so they ought to have reached the station.

You also use should or ought to with have and an -ed participle to say that something was expected to happen, but did not happen.

Bags which should have gone to Rome were sent to New York.The project ought to have finished by now.

Be Careful!
You must use have and an -ed participle in sentences like these. Don't say, for example, 'The project ought to finish by now'.

2. moral rightness

You use should or ought to to say that something is morally right.

Crimes should be punished.I ought to call the police.
3. giving advice

You can say you should or you ought to when you are giving someone advice.

I think you should go see your doctor.I think you ought to try a different approach.
4. negative forms

Should and ought to have the negative forms should not and ought not to.

This should not be allowed to continue.They ought not to have said anything.

The not is not usually pronounced in full. When you write down what someone says, you write shouldn't or oughtn't to.

You shouldn't dress like that, Andrew.They oughtn't to mention it.

When you make a negative statement with ought in American English, you can omit to:

You oughtn't answer the door without your shirt on.


(ʃud) negative short form shouldn't (ˈʃudnt) verb1. past tense of shall . I thought I should never see you again.2. used to state that something ought to happen, be done etc. You should hold your knife in your right hand; You shouldn't have said that. 應該 应该3. used to state that something is likely to happen etc. If you leave now, you should arrive there by six o'clock. 可能 可能4. used after certain expressions of sorrow, surprise etc. I'm surprised you should think that. 竟然 竟然5. used after if to state a condition. If anything should happen to me, I want you to remember everything I have told you today. (用於if條件句)萬一 (用在if后的条件句)万一 6. (with I or we) used to state that a person wishes something was possible. I should love to go to France (if only I had enough money). 與第一人稱併用,表示個人希望 (与I和we连用)表示可能性 7. used to refer to an event etc which is rather surprising. I was just about to get on the bus when who should come along but John, the very person I was going to visit. (用以描述出人意表的事情)竟會是 (表示惊奇)竟会


→ 我应当穿什么衣服?


  • (one) should be so lucky
  • children should be seen and not heard
  • couldn't care less, he/I/she
  • He who sups with the devil should have a long spoon
  • How should I know?
  • I should cocoa
  • I should cocoa!
  • I should have stayed in bed
  • I should have stood in bed
  • I should hope not
  • I should hope so
  • I should hope so/not
  • I should think not
  • I should think so
  • I should think so/not
  • if anything should happen
  • it's time we should be going
  • no better than (one) should be
  • no better than you should be
  • no one should be judge in his own cause
  • not take (something) lying down
  • on no account
  • should have stood in bed
  • should have stood in bed, I
  • that should do it
  • the cobbler should stick to his last
  • we should get together (sometime)
  • you should excuse the expression
  • you should know a man seven years before you stir his fire
  • you should talk
  • you should worry!
  • zigged when one should've zagged



In a lease, mortgage, contract, or statute, it is language of recommendation rather than something that is required. Contrast with shall.





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