释义 |
pie·bald·ism (pī-bawld'izm), [MIM*172800] Patchy absence of the pigment of scalp hair, giving a streaked appearance; patches of vitiligo may be present in other areas due to absence of melanocytes; often transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait caused by mutation in the KIT protooncogene on 4q and may be associated with neurologic defects [MIM*172850] or eye changes [MIM*172870]. Compare: Waardenburg syndrome. Synonym(s): cutaneous albinism, piebald skin, piebaldnesspie·bald·ness (pī'bawld-nĕs) Patchy absence of the pigment of scalp hair, giving a streaked appearance; patches of vitiligo may be present in other areas due to the absence of melanocytes. May be associated with neurologic defects or eye changes. Synonym(s): piebald skin, piebaldism. |