Verhoeff elastic tissue stain

Ver·hoeff e·las·tic tis·sue stain

(ver'hef), a stain for tissue sections in which a mixture of hematoxylin, ferric chloride, and Lugol iodine solution is used; tissue may be counterstained, if desired, with eosin or van Gieson stain; elastic fibers and nuclei appear blue-black to black while collagen and other components are shades of pink to red.

Ver·hoeff e·las·tic tis·sue stain

(ver'hef ĕ-las'tik tish'ū stān) A stain for tissue sections in which a mixture of hematoxylin, ferric chloride, and Lugol iodine solution is used; tissue may be counterstained, if desired, with eosin or van Gieson stain; elastic fibers and nuclei appear blue-black to black, whereas collagen and other components are shades of pink to red.


Frederick H., U.S. ophthalmologist, 1874-1968. Verhoeff advancementVerhoeff capsule forcepsVerhoeff cataract forcepsVerhoeff dissecting scissorsVerhoeff elastic tissue stainVerhoeff expressorVerhoeff operationVerhoeff scissorsVerhoeff sclerotomyVerhoeff suture