Acronym | Definition |
USBA➣United States Boxing Association |
USBA➣United States Boomerang Association |
USBA➣United States Basketball Association (Mt. Pleasant, SC) |
USBA➣United States Basketball Association |
USBA➣United States Basketball Academy |
USBA➣Utah School Boards Association |
USBA➣Uniformed Services Benefit Association |
USBA➣United States Biathlon Association |
USBA➣United States Badminton Association |
USBA➣United States Billiard Association |
USBA➣Utah Skeleton and Bobsled Association (Park City, UT) |
USBA➣United States Broomball Association |
USBA➣United States Boerboel Association |
USBA➣Utah Sport Bike Association |
USBA➣Unit for Studies in Biography and Autobiography (Australia) |
USBA➣United States Business Advisor |
USBA➣United States Branches and Agencies |