

单词 vc



abbr.1. venture capitalist2. vice chancellor3. vice consul4. Victoria Cross5. Vietcong


the internet domain name for (Computer Science) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


abbreviation for 1. Vice-chairman 2. Vice Chancellor 3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Vice Consul 4. (Military) Victoria Cross 5. (Military) Vietcong


1. venture capital. 2. Veterinary Corps. 3. vice-chancellor. 4. vice-consul. 5. Victoria Cross. 6. Vietcong. 7. vital capacity.



(networking)The country code for Saint Vincent and theGrenadines.


The design cruising speed. It is one of the speeds used in establishing the strength of the aircraft.


The rate of climb or vertical speed of an aircraft. It is not the IAS (indicated air speed) or the TAS (true air speed) but the vertical speed. See vertical speed indicator.


(1) (Venture Capital or Venture Capitalist) The money or the person or organization that invests money in startup or small companies. A tremendous amount of venture capital has been invested in the computer field, especially in Internet startups.

(2) See virtual circuit, videoconferencing and Visual C++.

(3) (Vc) Ground voltage at the collector terminal. See Vcc.



 1. vital capacity.2. acuity of color vision.


Abbreviation for colored vision; vital capacity.


Abbreviation for:
valid completer
variable coefficient
variable cost 
vena cava
ventilatory capacity
ventricular contraction
vinyl chloride
visual cortex
vital capacity
vitamin C
vocal cord
voluntary controlled


Abbreviation for: 1. Vascular catheterization.2. Vasoconstrictor.3. Vena cava 6. Venous capacitance 7. Ventilatory capacity 8. Ventricular complex 9. Ventricular coupling 10. Vital capacity 11. Vocal cord.


Abbreviation for vital capacity; colored vision.

Vital capacity (VC)

The largest amount of air expelled after one's deepest inhalation.Mentioned in: Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease


Abbreviation for vital capacity.



abbreviation for VICE-CHANCELLOR.



The two-character ISO 3166 country code for SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES.


1. See: Venture capital.

2. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. This is the code used in international transactions to and from Vincentian bank accounts.

3. ISO 3166-2 geocode for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. This is used as an international standard for shipping to the nation. Each Vincentian parish has its own code with the prefix "VC." For example, the code for the Parish of Charlotte is ISO 3166-2:VC-01.

Venture capital (VC).

Venture capital is financing provided by wealthy independent investors, banks, and partnerships to help new businesses get started, reach the next level of growth, or go public.

In return for the money they put up, also called risk capital, the investors may play a role in the company's management as well as receive some combination of equity, profits, or royalties.

Some venture capital also goes into bankrupt companies to help them turn around, or to companies that the management wants to take private by buying up all the outstanding shares.


VCVenture Capital(ist)
VCViet Cong
VCVictor Charlie (military phonetic reference to Viet Cong)
VCVirtual Console (Nintendo WII)
VCVatican City
VCVictoria Cross
VCVirtual Circuit
VCVisual C++ (Microsoft)
VCVice City (Grand Theft Auto game series)
VCVercelli (Piemonte, Italy)
VCVirtual Connection
VCVery Cute
VCVacuum Cleaner
VCVery Cool
VCVince Carter (basketball player)
VCVideo Conference
VCVictoria College (Alexandria, Egypt)
VCVideo Camera
VCVideo Card
VCVice Chair
VCVentura County (California)
VCVanessa Carlton (singer)
VCVicious Circle
VCVirtual Channel
VCVegas Casino
VCVideo Compression
VCVisitor Center (National Park Service)
VCVan Cleef (The Deadmines, World of Warcraft Dungeon)
VCVancouver Canucks (hockey)
VCSt. Vincent and the Grenadines (ISO country code)
VCVena Cava
VCVibration Compensation (Tamron)
VCVector Calculus
VCVirtual Concatenation
VCVirtual Container (SDH)
VCVisual Communication(s)
VCViolent Crime
VCVideo Channel
VCVariable Cost
VCVertically Challenged (PC term for short) :-)
VCVicinity (aviation, meteorology)
VCVirtual Call
VCVehicle Control
VCVassar College (Boston, Massachusetts)
VCVia Campesina (International Peasant Movement)
VCVinyl Chloride
VCVital Capacity
VCVereinigung Cockpit (German pilot union)
VCVentura College (Ventura, CA)
VCVanilla Coke
VCVirtual Classroom
VCVioloncello (Cello in Music Scores)
VCVirtual Community
VCVeterinary Corps
VCVice Chief
VCVanier College
VCVoluntary Controlled (UK school status)
VCVoice Coil
VCVice Commodore
VCValue City (department store)
VCVector Coding
VCValley Culture (Aboriginal community group, Australia)
VCFleet Composite Squadron (US Navy)
VCVancouver College
VCVariable Contrast (photographic imaging materials)
VCVagabond Crew (band)
VCVolunteer Center (various locations)
VCVarsity College (Gold Coast, Australia)
VCVertical Curve
VCVideo Control
VCVanCleef (gaming, World of Warcraft)
VCVisual Cortex
VCBureau of Verification and Compliance (US State Department)
VCVoltage Converter
VCVictoria Court (hotel; Philippines)
VCVilla Clara (postcode, Cuba)
VCVertical Cutter
VCVariable Contract
VCVedic City (Iowa)
VCVoice Channel
VCVerification Component
VCNavy Composite Squadron (US Navy aviation unit designation used from 1920s to 1950s)
VCVector Count
VCVirtual Component
VCVomiting Centre (anatomy)
VCVeterinary Committee
VCVisually Clean (cleanliness standard)
VCValor Communications
VCVirtual Corporation
VCViolent Conduct (soccer)
VCVoice Circuit
VCVentilating Contractor
VCVirtual Cop (arcade games)
VCVelocity Counter
VCDesign Cruising Speed
VCVolume-to-Capacity ratio
VCVienna Conference
VCVoluntary Closing
VCVintage Cellars (various locations)
VCViscous Criterion (sports medicine)
VCVacant Code
VCComposite Aircraft Squadron (US Navy)
VCViticulture Consortium
VCVerification & Certification
VCVolks Computer
VCVerbal Cue
VCVortex Combustor
VCVirginia Central Railway
VCVariable Combo (gaming)
VCKnots Calibrated Airspeed
VCColored Vision
VCVocabulary Cartoons
VCVoice Compressor
VCCruising Velocity
VCVIP Carrier (military aircraft designation)
VCVector Correlator
VCVerifiable Choice
VCVaporizer Concentrate
VCNavy Cargo/Replenishment Squadron
VCVictoir Conglomeret
ThesaurusSeeVictoria Cross




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