释义 |
rep·re·sen·ta·tion R0163700 (rĕp′rĭ-zĕn-tā′shən, -zən-)n.1. The act of representing or the state of being represented.2. Something that represents, as:a. An image or likeness of something.b. An account or statement, as of facts, allegations, or arguments.c. An expostulation; a protest.d. A presentation or production, as of a play.3. The state or condition of serving as an official delegate, agent, or spokesperson.4. The right or privilege of being represented by delegates having a voice in a legislative body.5. A body of legislators that serve on behalf of a constituency.6. Law A statement of fact made by one party in order to induce another party to enter into a contract.7. Mathematics A homomorphism from an algebraic system to a similar system of matrices.representation (ˌrɛprɪzɛnˈteɪʃən) n1. the act or an instance of representing or the state of being represented2. anything that represents, such as a verbal or pictorial portrait3. anything that is represented, such as an image brought clearly to mind4. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the principle by which delegates act for a constituency5. a body of representatives6. (Law) contract law a statement of fact made by one party to induce another to enter into a contract7. (Law) an instance of acting for another, on his authority, in a particular capacity, such as executor or administrator8. (Theatre) a dramatic production or performance9. (often plural) a statement of facts, true or alleged, esp one set forth by way of remonstrance or expostulation10. (Linguistics) linguistics an analysis of a word, sentence, etc, into its constituents: phonetic representation. rep•re•sen•ta•tion (ˌrɛp rɪ zɛnˈteɪ ʃən, -zən-) n. 1. the act of representing, or the state of being represented. 2. the expression or designation by some term, character, symbol, or the like. 3. action on behalf of a person or group by an agent or deputy. 4. the state of being so represented. 5. a body of representatives, as of a constituency. 6. presentation to the mind, as of an idea. 7. a mental image or idea so presented; concept. 8. the act of rendering something in visible form. 9. a picture, figure, statue, etc. 10. the production or a performance of a play. 11. Often, representations. a statement of things true or alleged. 12. a protest or remonstrance. 13. a statement of fact made to induce a party to enter into a contract. representation- macrograph - A life-size drawing or representation.
- simulacrum - In the original sense of the word, it was simply a representation of something, such as an oil painting or marble statue.
- representational art - Art that seeks to depict the physical appearance of reality; also called objective art and figurative art.
- logogram, logograph, grammalogue - A logogram or logograph is the same as a grammalogue, a word represented by a single sign, like $.
RepresentationSee also art; drawing; engraving; images. adumbrationa sketchy representation of something.airscapea view or pictorial representation of the earth from above, as from an aircraft.allegoryan art form, as a story, painting, or sculpture, in which the components have a symbolic, figurative meaning. — allegorist, allegorizer, n. — allegorical, adj.anaglyphoscopea pair of lenses of different colors used in spectacles for viewing a specially processed two-dimensional picture, creating a three-dimensional effect.anamorphisma distorted image of an object, as in anamorphic art. Also anamorphosis. — anamorphic, adj.anamorphoscopea cylindrical mirror for correcting the distorted image created by anamorphism.anamorphosisanamorphism.anamorphosyObsolete, anamorphosis.astrolabea stereographic projection of the earth, as a sphere, on the plane of one of the great circles. Also called planisphere.burlesquean exaggerated representation; grotesque parody or satire.caricaturea distorted representation, usually pictorial, often used to parody people in public life. — caricaturist, n.cartograma simplified or abstracted form of diagrammatic representation of statistical data, usually on a map base or distorted map base.charactery1. a system of symbols used to represent ideas. 2. expression by means of such symbols.cinematographythe art or technique of using a motion-picture camera or prjector. — cinematograph, n., v. — cinematographer, n. — cinematographic, adj.cityscapea view or representation of a city, especially in a painting, photograph, etc.cloudscapea view or representation of clouds, particularly a painting of clouds.conspectusa summary, outline, or general view of a situation.cosmoramaa display of scenes of different parts of the world. — cosmoramic, adj.cosmospherea hollow glass globe, for depicting the position of the earth in relation to the fixed stars at a given time.culturista person who is well acquainted with culture, as literature, the arts, etc., and who advocates their worth to society.cycloramaa circular panorama, usually of a landscape or battle, designed to be viewed from a central point. Also called panorama. — cycloramic, adj.diorama1. a miniature, three-dimensional scene, often depicting a historical event. 2. an apparatus designed for giving extra realism to paintings by transmitting light through them in various colors and intensities at different times.epitomesomething representative as a fine example of the whole group of things to which it belongs. See also books.georamaa large globe or sphere in which a spectator can stand and view a representation of the earth’s surface.histogramStatistics. a graph showing frequency distribution in which rectangles based on the horizontal axis are assigned widths that correspond to class intervals and heights that correspond to frequency.holograma three-dimensional representation in photographic form, recorded on film by a reflected laser beam of a subject illuminated by part of the same laser beam.hypermyrioramaan exhibit or cyclorama showing a great variety of scènes.idiograph1. a signature or mark characteristic of or peculiar to a particular person, organization, etc. 2. a logotype or trademark.macrographa drawing, photograph, or other image that represents an object or scène with little or no magnification.malkinBritish Dialect, a scarecrow or any grotesque effigy. Also spelled mawkin.myrioramaa form of landscape picture, made of several sections that can be combined in various ways to make different scenes.neoramaa type of panorama which represents the interior of a large building in which the spectator appears to be standing as he views the scene displayed.panoramacyclorama; hence, any unlimited view or comprehensive survey. — panoramic, panoramical, adj.phantasmagoriaa type of magiclantern show in which rapidly moving images blend, change size, etc.; hence, any series of images that move and change rapidly, as a dream. — phantasmagorial, phantasmagoric, adj.planispherean astrolabe.praxinoscopean instrument that represents the effect of moving images on a screen.purismIn literature and art. strict adherence to particular concepts, rules, or ideals of form, style, etc., either as formulated by the artist or as dictated by a school with which the artist is allied. See also art; criticism; language. — purist, n., adj.riverscapea view or representation of a river, especially in a painting, photograph, etc.schemaan outline or diagrammatic representation. See also drawing. — schematic, adj.schematismthe form, disposition, or outline of a thing or concept. — schematist, n.seascapea view or representation of the sea or seashore, especially in a painting, photograph, etc.skyscapea view or representation of the sky, especially in a painting, photograph, etc.stereopticona projector with two complete lanterns, so that one picture appears to be dissolving while the other is appearing. — stereoptician, n. — stereoptican, adj.symbolismsymbology, defs. 1 and 2.symbology1. the study and interpretation of symbols. 2. representation by means of symbols. Also symbolism. 3. any system of symbols. — symbologist, n. — symbological, adj.tachyscopea type of kinescope that presents the effect of moving pictures by use of a rotating glass plate with images attached to it.teliconographan apparatus combining a telescope and the camera lucida, used for producing images of distant objects on a screen.thaumatropea card with a different design or picture on each side that appear to merge when the card is whirled around. — thaumatropical, adj.townscapea view or representation of a town, especially in a painting, photograph, etc.travestyimitation or parody for the purpose of ridicule; a grotesque or ludicrous representation.waterscape1. a view of a stretch or body of water, as a lake. 2. a drawing or painting of such a view.ThesaurusNoun | 1. | representation - a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or imageinternal representation, mental representationoverlap, convergence, intersection - a representation of common ground between theories or phenomena; "there was no overlap between their proposals"cognitive content, mental object, content - the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learnedinstantiation - a representation of an idea in the form of an instance of it; "how many instantiations were found?"antitype - a person or thing represented or foreshadowed by a type or symbol; especially a figure in the Old Testament having a counterpart in the New Testamentstereotype - a conventional or formulaic conception or image; "regional stereotypes have been part of America since its founding"schema, scheme - an internal representation of the world; an organization of concepts and actions that can be revised by new information about the worldimage, mental image - an iconic mental representation; "her imagination forced images upon her too awful to contemplate"interpretation, reading, version - a mental representation of the meaning or significance of somethingphantasmagoria - a constantly changing medley of real or imagined images (as in a dream)psychosexuality - the mental representation of sexual activitiespercept, perception, perceptual experience - the representation of what is perceived; basic component in the formation of a conceptmemory - something that is remembered; "search as he would, the memory was lost"example, model - a representative form or pattern; "I profited from his example"appearance - a mental representation; "I tried to describe his appearance to the police"blur, fuzz - a hazy or indistinct representation; "it happened so fast it was just a blur"; "he tried to clear his head of the whisky fuzz"unrealism, abstractionism - a representation having no reference to concrete objects or specific examplesconcrete representation, concretism - a representation of an abstract idea in concrete terms | | 2. | representation - a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or somethingadumbration - a sketchy or imperfect or faint representationaudiogram - a graphical representation of a person's auditory sensitivity to soundcopy - a thing made to be similar or identical to another thing; "she made a copy of the designer dress"; "the clone was a copy of its ancestor"cosmography - a representation of the earth or the heavens; "the cosmography of Ptolemy"creation - an artifact that has been brought into existence by someonecreche - a representation of Christ's nativity in the stable at Bethlehemcutaway, cutaway drawing, cutaway model - a representation (drawing or model) of something in which the outside is omitted to reveal the inner partsdisplay, presentation - a visual representation of somethingdocument - anything serving as a representation of a person's thinking by means of symbolic marksdrawing - a representation of forms or objects on a surface by means of lines; "drawings of abstract forms"; "he did complicated pen-and-ink drawings like medieval miniatures"ecce homo - a representation (a picture or sculpture) of Jesus wearing a crown of thornseffigy, simulacrum, image - a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture); "the coin bears an effigy of Lincoln"; "the emperor's tomb had his image carved in stone"illustration - a visual representation (a picture or diagram) that is used make some subject more pleasing or easier to understandmap - a diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface (or part of it)simulation, model - representation of something (sometimes on a smaller scale)nomogram, nomograph - a graphic representation of numerical relationsobjectification - a concrete representation of an abstract idea or principlephoto, photograph, pic, exposure, picture - a representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive materialikon, picture, icon, image - a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface; "they showed us the pictures of their wedding"; "a movie is a series of images projected so rapidly that the eye integrates them"pieta - a representation of the Virgin Mary mourning over the dead body of Jesusprojection - the representation of a figure or solid on a plane as it would look from a particular directionrubbing - representation consisting of a copy (as of an engraving) made by laying paper over something and rubbing it with charcoalshade - a representation of the effect of shadows in a picture or drawing (as by shading or darker pigment)stage set, set - representation consisting of the scenery and other properties used to identify the location of a dramatic production; "the sets were meticulously authentic"Station of the Cross - a representation of any of the 14 stages in Christ's journey to Calvary | | 3. | representation - the act of representing; standing in for someone or some group and speaking with authority in their behalfcooperation - joint operation or action; "their cooperation with us was essential for the success of our mission"proportional representation - representation of all parties in proportion to their popular vote | | 4. | representation - the state of serving as an official and authorized delegate or agentdelegacy, agencystate - the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state"free agency - (sports) the state of a professional athlete who is free to negotiate a contract to play for any teamlegal representation - personal representation that has legal status; "an person who has been declared incompetent should have legal representation"virus - a harmful or corrupting agency; "bigotry is a virus that must not be allowed to spread"; "the virus of jealousy is latent in everyone" | | 5. | representation - a body of legislators that serve in behalf of some constituency; "a Congressional vacancy occurred in the representation from California"body - a group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded as an entity; "the whole body filed out of the auditorium"; "the student body"; "administrative body" | | 6. | representation - a factual statement made by one party in order to induce another party to enter into a contract; "the sales contract contains several representations by the vendor"statement - a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc; "according to his statement he was in London on that day" | | 7. | representation - a performance of a play histrionics, theatrical, theatrical performanceperformance, public presentation - a dramatic or musical entertainment; "they listened to ten different performances"; "the play ran for 100 performances"; "the frequent performances of the symphony testify to its popularity"matinee - a theatrical performance held during the daytime (especially in the afternoon) | | 8. | representation - a statement of facts and reasons made in appealing or protesting; "certain representations were made concerning police brutality"statement - a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc; "according to his statement he was in London on that day" | | 9. | representation - the right of being represented by delegates who have a voice in some legislative bodyright - an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature; "they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights"; "Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept in the hands of the people"- Eleanor Roosevelt; "a right is not something that somebody gives you; it is something that nobody can take away" | | 10. | representation - an activity that stands as an equivalent of something or results in an equivalentactivity - any specific behavior; "they avoided all recreational activity"modelling, modeling, model - the act of representing something (usually on a smaller scale)dramatisation, dramatization - a dramatic representationpageant, pageantry - an elaborate representation of scenes from history etc; usually involves a parade with rich costumesfiguration - representing figuratively as by emblem or allegorydiagramming, schematisation, schematization - providing a chart or outline of a systempictorial representation, picturing - visual representation as by photography or paintingtypification - the act of representing by a type or symbol; the action of typifying |
representationnoun1. body of representatives, committee, embassy, delegates, delegation They have no representation in congress.2. picture, model, image, portrait, illustration, sketch, resemblance, likeness a life-like representation of Christ3. portrayal, depiction, account, relation, description, narrative, narration, delineation the representation of women in film and literature4. (often plural) statement, argument, explanation, exposition, remonstrance, expostulation, account We have made representations to ministers.representationnounThe act or process of describing in lifelike imagery:delineation, depiction, description, expression, portrayal.Translationsrepresent (reprəˈzent) verb1. to speak or act on behalf of. You have been chosen to represent our association at the conference. 代表出席 代表,作为…的代言人 2. to be a sign, symbol, picture etc of. In this play, the man in black represents Death and the young girl Life. 象徵 象征,表示 3. to be a good example of; to show or illustrate. What he said represents the feelings of many people. 代表,顯示出 体现,反映 ˌrepresenˈtation noun1. the act of representing or the state of being represented. 表示 表示2. a person or thing that represents. These primitive statues are intended as representations of gods and goddesses. 象徵 象征3. (often in plural) a strong appeal, demand or protest. 抗議,投訴 抗议,请求 ˌrepreˈsentative (-tətiv) adjective1. being a good example (of something); typical. We need opinions from a representative sample of people; Is this poem representative of his work? 有代表性的 有代表性的2. carried on by elected people. representative government. 代理的 代理的 noun1. (also rep (rep) ) a person who represents a business; a travelling salesman. Our representative will call on you this afternoon. 代理人 代理人2. a person who represents a person or group of people. A Member of Parliament is the representative of the people in his constituency. 代表 代表
representation, in government, the term used to designate the means by which a whole population may participate in governing through the device of having a much smaller number of people act on their behalf. Although an elective presidency and even a nonelective monarchy may possess psychological characteristics of representation for its people, the term is generally used to refer to the procedure by which a general population selects an assembly of representatives through votingvoting, method of registering collective approval or disapproval of a person or a proposal. The term generally refers to the process by which citizens choose candidates for public office or decide political questions submitted to them. ..... Click the link for more information. . In the United States this assembly is the Congress of the United StatesCongress of the United States, the legislative branch of the federal government, instituted (1789) by Article 1 of the Constitution of the United States, which prescribes its membership and defines its powers. ..... Click the link for more information. , while in Great Britain it is ParliamentParliament, legislative assembly of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Over the centuries it has become more than a legislative body; it is the sovereign power of Great Britain, whereas the monarch remains sovereign in name only. ..... Click the link for more information. . Historically, representation was first seen in the Roman republic, but it came into more general use in feudal times when a king would select representatives from each estate—the clergy, nobility, and burghers—so they might offer advice or petition him. Out of this system, as people gradually secured the right to choose their representatives themselves, grew the modern representative legislaturelegislature, representative assembly empowered to enact statute law. Generally the representatives who compose a legislature are constitutionally elected by a broad spectrum of the population. ..... Click the link for more information. . Modern representation is usually based upon numbers and territorial groupings of the population, such as a congressional district in the United States. An election district in both the United States and Great Britain sends only a single member to the legislative body and is therefore called a single-member district. The representative is chosen on the basis of winning a plurality within the district. In contrast to this system is that of proportional representation, in which there are plural-member districts (in national elections, the country as a whole may form one constituency) and the seats in the assembly are distributed among the parties on the basis of the proportion of the vote that each party receives. This system gives more assurance that minority votes will be taken into account and tends to encourage the proliferation of parties. One perennial controversy on the subject concerns whether elected representatives should act according to the explicit desires of their constituents or according to their own personal judgments when they conflict with those desires.Representation in civil law, the performance by one person (the representative) in the name and interests of another person (the principal) and on the basis of definite authorizations, of transactions or other legally significant actions that directly create, change, or terminate the civil rights and duties of the principal. Representation is necessary in cases where a person, for any number of reasons, including lack of time and inadequate qualifications, is unable to exercise his civil (primarily property) rights and duties on his own. In Soviet law either legally competent (sui juris) citizens or legal persons may be representatives. Legal actions that can only be performed in person, for example, the signing of a will or registration of a marriage, cannot be done through a representative. Representation arises through a power of attorney based on law (for example, representation by parents of minor children in the capacity of legal representatives) or through an administrative act (for example, a guardian represents a ward on the basis of the decision of the executive committee of the appropriate soviet of people’s deputies in the establishment of wardship).
Representation (predstavlenie), an image re-created in the brain from traces left by objects and phenomena that have produced an effect on the human sense organs but that are no longer physically present; also, an image created by the efforts of productive imagination; a higher form of sensory reflection, manifested as imagery and as visualized knowledge. In contrast to perception, a representation transcends the immediate, given quality of specific objects and relates them to a common principle or notion. A representation is realized in two forms: recollection and imagination. Perception pertains only to the present, whereas representation pertains simultaneously to the present and to the past. Representation is reminiscent contemplation, the specific characteristic of which is its intermediate position between contemplative and thinking consciousness. Without recollection, recognition would be impossible. Hegel wrote: “What is called recollection, in the proper sense of the word, is the relating of an image to contemplation, and in the capacity, moreover, of a reduction of the direct, singular contemplation to that which is general in form—to a representation having the same content” (Soch., vol. 3, Moscow, 1956, p. 257). The imagination contributes to the creation of representations and mental situations that cannot be directly perceived, as a whole, in reality. The more adequate the reflection in a representation, the more productive is its regulative and stimulating role in all forms of human creativity. Perception and representation are not independent powers or capabilities of consciousness. They form an indissoluble whole, in which representation is the synthesis of many sensory impressions. Describing the dialectic of the relationship between representation and thought, V. I. Lenin wrote: “Is sensuous representation closer to reality than thought? Both yes and no. Sensuous representation cannot apprehend movement as a whole, it cannot, for example, apprehend movement with a speed of 300,000 km per second, but thought does and must apprehend it” (Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 29, p. 209). A. G. SPIRKIN representation[‚rep·ri‚zen′tā·shən] (mathematics) A representation of a group is given by a homomorphism of it onto some group either of matrices or unitary operators of a Hilbert space. representation1. the principle by which delegates act for a constituency 2. Contract law a statement of fact made by one party to induce another to enter into a contract 3. an instance of acting for another, on his authority, in a particular capacity, such as executor or administrator 4. a dramatic production or performance representation
representation (rep'rē-sen-tā'shŭn), In psychology, image or appearance. [Fr., fr. L. repraesento, to show] representation
RepresentationAny action or conduct that can be turned into a statement of fact. For example, displaying a car with an odometer reading of ten miles constitutes a representation to a prospective buyer that the car has only been driven ten miles.The term representation is used in reference to any express or implied statement made by one of the parties to a contract to another, regarding a particular fact or circumstance that serves to influence the consummation of the deal. As applied to the law of Descent and Distribution, representation is the principle by which the issue of an individual who has died inherits the portion of an estate that such person would have taken if he or she had lived. representationn. 1) the act of being another's agent. 2) acting as an attorney for a client. 3) a statement of alleged fact either in negotiations or in court. (See: represent) representation 1 a statement of fact. A representation should be distinguished from a statement of opinion for many legal purposes, especially in relation to contractual obligations. 2 in the law of succession, the concept by which issue of predeceasing issue of the deceased are entitled to take their deceased ancestor's share. REPRESENTATION, insurances. A representation is a collateral statement, either by writing not inserted in the policy, or by parol, of such facts or circumstances relative to the proposed adventure, as are necessary to be communicated to the underwriters, to enable them to form a just estimate of the risk. 2. A representation, like a warranty, may be either affirmative, as where the insured avers the existence of some fact or circumstance which may affect the risk; or promissory, as where he engages the performance of, something executory. 3. There is a material difference between a representation and a warranty. 4. A warranty, being a condition upon which the contract is to take effect, is always a part of the written policy, and must appear on the face of it. Marsh. Ins. c. 9, Sec. 2. Whereas a representation is only a matter of collateral information or intelligence on the subject of the voyage insured, and makes no part of the policy. A warranty being in the nature of a condition precedent, must be strictly and literally complied with; but it is sufficient if the representation be true in substance, whether a warranty be material to the risk or not, the insured stakes his claim of indemnity upon the precise truth of it, if it be affirmative, or upon the exact performance of it, if executory; but it is sufficient if a representation be made without fraud, and be not false in any material point, or if it be substantially, though not literally, fulfilled. A false warranty avoids the policy, as being a breach of the condition upon which the contract is to take effect; and the insurer is not liable for any loss though it do not happen in consequence of the breach of the warranty; a false representation is no breach of the contract, but if material, avoids the policy on the ground of fraud, or at least because the insurer has been misled by it. Marsh. Insur. B. 1, c. 10, s. 1; Dougl. R. 247: 4 Bro. P. C. 482. See 2 Caines' R. 155; 1 Johns. Cas. 408; 2 Caines' Cas. 173, n.; 3 Johns. Cas. 47; 1 Caines' Rep. 288; 2 Caines' R. 22; Id. 329; Sugd. Vend. 6; Bouv. Inst. Index, h.t. and Concealment; Misrepresentation. REPRESENTATION, Scotch law. The name of a plea or statement presented to a lord ordinary of the court of sessions, when his judgment is brought under review. FinancialSeeRepresentationsSee REPR See REPRrepresentation
Synonyms for representationnoun body of representativesSynonyms- body of representatives
- committee
- embassy
- delegates
- delegation
noun pictureSynonyms- picture
- model
- image
- portrait
- illustration
- sketch
- resemblance
- likeness
noun portrayalSynonyms- portrayal
- depiction
- account
- relation
- description
- narrative
- narration
- delineation
noun statementSynonyms- statement
- argument
- explanation
- exposition
- remonstrance
- expostulation
- account
Synonyms for representationnoun the act or process of describing in lifelike imagerySynonyms- delineation
- depiction
- description
- expression
- portrayal
Synonyms for representationnoun a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or imageSynonyms- internal representation
- mental representation
Related Words- overlap
- convergence
- intersection
- cognitive content
- mental object
- content
- instantiation
- antitype
- stereotype
- schema
- scheme
- image
- mental image
- interpretation
- reading
- version
- phantasmagoria
- psychosexuality
- percept
- perception
- perceptual experience
- memory
- example
- model
- appearance
- blur
- fuzz
- unrealism
- abstractionism
- concrete representation
- concretism
noun a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or somethingRelated Words- adumbration
- audiogram
- copy
- cosmography
- creation
- creche
- cutaway
- cutaway drawing
- cutaway model
- display
- presentation
- document
- drawing
- ecce homo
- effigy
- simulacrum
- image
- illustration
- map
- simulation
- model
- nomogram
- nomograph
- objectification
- photo
- photograph
- pic
- exposure
- picture
- ikon
- icon
- pieta
- projection
- rubbing
- shade
- stage set
- set
- Station of the Cross
noun the act of representingRelated Words- cooperation
- proportional representation
noun the state of serving as an official and authorized delegate or agentSynonymsRelated Words- state
- free agency
- legal representation
- virus
noun a body of legislators that serve in behalf of some constituencyRelated Wordsnoun a factual statement made by one party in order to induce another party to enter into a contractRelated Wordsnoun a performance of a playSynonyms- histrionics
- theatrical
- theatrical performance
Related Words- performance
- public presentation
- matinee
noun a statement of facts and reasons made in appealing or protestingRelated Wordsnoun the right of being represented by delegates who have a voice in some legislative bodyRelated Wordsnoun an activity that stands as an equivalent of something or results in an equivalentRelated Words- activity
- modelling
- modeling
- model
- dramatisation
- dramatization
- pageant
- pageantry
- figuration
- diagramming
- schematisation
- schematization
- pictorial representation
- picturing
- typification