Acronym | Definition |
PIDA➣Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (UK) |
PIDA➣Pet Industry Distributors Association |
PIDA➣Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority |
PIDA➣Photonics Industry Technology & Development Association |
PIDA➣Punjab Irrigation and Drainage Authority |
PIDA➣Python Integrated Development Application |
PIDA➣Participatory Institute for Development Alternatives |
PIDA➣Paper Industry Dealers Association |
PIDA➣Programa de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrícola |
PIDA➣Pain In Da Ass :-) |
PIDA➣Penn's Interdisciplinary Dialogues on AIDS |
PIDA➣Phenyliodine Diacetate |
PIDA➣Payload Installation and Deployment Aid (NASA) |
PIDA➣Power-mobility Indoor Driving Assessment |
PIDA➣Pittsburgh Internet Developers Association |
PIDA➣Palawan Islands Development Authority |
PIDA➣Proprietary Information Disclosure Agreement (business agreement) |
PIDA➣Pennsylvania Independent Dealers Association |
PIDA➣Property Investment Diploma Association |
PIDA➣Plan d'Intervention Des Avalanches |
PIDA➣Polish Industrial Design in America |
PIDA➣Plan Individual de Aplicación |