Acronym | Definition |
TMSA➣Tanker Management and Self Assessment |
TMSA➣Transformational Model of Social Activity |
TMSA➣Traditional Music & Song Association of Scotland |
TMSA➣Texas Middle School Association |
TMSA➣Tangier-Mediterranean Special Agency |
TMSA➣Texas Mini Storage Association |
TMSA➣The Main Street Academy (College Park, GA) |
TMSA➣Theatre Managements of South Africa |
TMSA➣Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement |
TMSA➣Tri-state Maritime Safety Association |
TMSA➣Thompson Mountain Sportsmen Association |
TMSA➣The Management Software Association |
TMSA➣Total Molecular Surface Area |
TMSA➣Truckee Meadows Service Area |
TMSA➣Trent Muslim Students Association |
TMSA➣Thibault, Messier, Savard et Associés |
TMSA➣Transit Managers and Supervisors Association |
TMSA➣Tulsa Metropolitan Statistical Area (Oklahoma) |
TMSA➣Technical Marketing Society of America |
TMSA➣Turken, Marokkanen, Surinamers en Antilianen (Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese and Antilleans) |
TMSA➣The Montessori School of the Angels |
TMSA➣Thunder Mountain Soccer Association (Grand Junction, CO, USA) |
TMSA➣Tuen Mun Swimming Association (Hong Kong) |
TMSA➣Tauranga Marine Services Association (New Zealand) |
TMSA➣Thornhill Minor Softball Association (Canada) |
TMSA➣Seaman Apprentice, Torpedoman Striker (naval rating) |
TMSA➣Tropomyosin, Skeletal Muscle Alpha |
TMSA➣Transportes Menorca SA |
TMSA➣Taiwan Man-Made Fiber Spinners' Association |
TMSA➣Tetramethylsuccinamide |
TMSA➣Tahlequah Main Street Association |
TMSA➣Tech Medical Student Association (Texas Tech University) |
TMSA➣Texas Member Services Association |
TMSA➣Toyota Motor Sales Australia |
TMSA➣Torbay Minor Soccer Association |
TMSA➣Technion Medical Student Association |
TMSA➣Time Management Situation Assessment |
TMSA➣Theory of Multiple Separate Ancestries |
TMSA➣Tapered Meander Slot Antenna |
TMSA➣Triangular Microstrip Antenna |
TMSA➣Taiwanese and Mandarin Students’ Association |
TMSA➣Tamil Nadu Motorcycle Sports Association |
TMSA➣Trimethylsylil-Acetylene |
TMSA➣Trimethylsilylazide |
TMSA➣Tennessee Main Street Association |
TMSA➣Technical and Management Staffing Associates, LLC |
TMSA➣Transportation Modeling for Street Analysis |