TMSATanker Management and Self Assessment
TMSATransformational Model of Social Activity
TMSATraditional Music & Song Association of Scotland
TMSATexas Middle School Association
TMSATangier-Mediterranean Special Agency
TMSATexas Mini Storage Association
TMSAThe Main Street Academy (College Park, GA)
TMSATheatre Managements of South Africa
TMSATobacco Master Settlement Agreement
TMSATri-state Maritime Safety Association
TMSAThompson Mountain Sportsmen Association
TMSAThe Management Software Association
TMSATotal Molecular Surface Area
TMSATruckee Meadows Service Area
TMSATrent Muslim Students Association
TMSAThibault, Messier, Savard et Associés
TMSATransit Managers and Supervisors Association
TMSATulsa Metropolitan Statistical Area (Oklahoma)
TMSATechnical Marketing Society of America
TMSATurken, Marokkanen, Surinamers en Antilianen (Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese and Antilleans)
TMSAThe Montessori School of the Angels
TMSAThunder Mountain Soccer Association (Grand Junction, CO, USA)
TMSATuen Mun Swimming Association (Hong Kong)
TMSATauranga Marine Services Association (New Zealand)
TMSAThornhill Minor Softball Association (Canada)
TMSASeaman Apprentice, Torpedoman Striker (naval rating)
TMSATropomyosin, Skeletal Muscle Alpha
TMSATransportes Menorca SA
TMSATaiwan Man-Made Fiber Spinners' Association
TMSATahlequah Main Street Association
TMSATech Medical Student Association (Texas Tech University)
TMSATexas Member Services Association
TMSAToyota Motor Sales Australia
TMSATorbay Minor Soccer Association
TMSATechnion Medical Student Association
TMSATime Management Situation Assessment
TMSATheory of Multiple Separate Ancestries
TMSATapered Meander Slot Antenna
TMSATriangular Microstrip Antenna
TMSATaiwanese and Mandarin Students’ Association
TMSATamil Nadu Motorcycle Sports Association
TMSATennessee Main Street Association
TMSATechnical and Management Staffing Associates, LLC
TMSATransportation Modeling for Street Analysis