

单词 tmrc



/tmerk'/ The Tech Model Railroad Club at MIT, one of thewellsprings of hacker culture. The 1959 "Dictionary of theTMRC Language" compiled by Peter Samson included several termsthat became basics of the hackish vocabulary (see especiallyfoo, mung, and frob).

By 1962, TMRC's legendary layout was already a marvel ofcomplexity (and has grown in the thirty years since; all thefeatures described here are still present). The controlsystem alone featured about 1200 relays. There were scram switches located at numerous places around the room thatcould be thwacked if something undesirable was about to occur,such as a train going full-bore at an obstruction. Anotherfeature of the system was a digital clock on the dispatchboard, which was itself something of a wonder in those bygonedays before cheap LEDS and seven-segment displays. Whensomeone hit a scram switch the clock stopped and the displaywas replaced with the word "FOO"; at TMRC the scram switchesare therefore called "foo switches".

Steven Levy, in his book "Hackers", gives a stimulatingaccount of those early years. TMRC's Power and Signals groupincluded most of the early PDP-1 hackers and the people wholater bacame the core of the MIT AI Lab staff. Thirtyyears later that connection is still very much alive, and thisdictionary accordingly includes a number of entries from arecent revision of the TMRC dictionary (via the Hacker JargonFile).


TMRCTech Model Railroad Club (MIT)
TMRCThe Magnetic Recording Conference
TMRCTim McAmis Race Cars, Inc.
TMRCTheoretical Maximum Residue Contribution
TMRCTelecommunication Mathematics Research Center (Korea)
TMRCTeaching Materials and Resource Center (American Classical League)
TMRCThai MiniRC Club
TMRCTechnology Market Research Council (IPC; Association Connecting Electronics Industries)
TMRCThe Multicultural Resource Center
TMRCTheoretical Maximum Residue Concentration
TMRCTransportation Materials Research Center (Houghton, MI, USA)
TMRCTropical Medicine Research Centers (US NIH)
TMRCThe Meridian Resource Corporation
TMRCTactical Missile Repair Center (US Army)
TMRCTampakan Mineral Resources Corp.
TMRCTraditional Medicine Research Center
TMRCTexas Masonic Retirement Center
TMRCTraditional Medicine and Materia Medica Research Center
TMRCTechnical Merit Review Committee (US NIH)
TMRCTransport Management Research Centre (UK)
TMRCTalbott-Marsh Recovery Campus
TMRCTobago Marine Research Centre
TMRCToledo Metropolitan Rowing Club
TMRCTongareva Marine Research Centre
TMRCTuen Mun Rural Committee
TMRCTexas-Mexico Relations Committee
TMRCTransfusion Medicine Resource Committee
TMRCTurbulence Modeling Research Code
TMRCTeamMayhem RC Club
TMRCThe Matrix Research Center
TMRCTextile Machinery Research Center
TMRCTeaching Merit Review Committee
TMRCTraining Materials Resources Center
TMRCTotal Monthly Recurring Charge
TMRCTurkish Mobile Radar Command
TMRCToxic Mold Resource Center
TMRCTurkish Mobile Radar Complex




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