Acronym | Definition |
TMRA➣Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988 |
TMRA➣Texas Mining and Reclamation Association (Austin, Texas) |
TMRA➣Topic Map Research and Applications |
TMRA➣Texas Motorcycle Rights Association |
TMRA➣Texas Motorcycle Roadriders Association |
TMRA➣Maximum Recommended Ambient Temperature (computing) |
TMRA➣Texas Motorcycle Riders Association |
TMRA➣Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Agreement |
TMRA➣Toledo Mobile Radio Association |
TMRA➣Tetramethyl Reductic Acid |
TMRA➣TredMill Racers Association |
TMRA➣Telemetry Reduction and Analysis |
TMRA➣Trade Marks Registration Act of 1875 |
TMRA➣Too Many Redundant Acronyms |
TMRA➣Transportation Management Reimbursement Account |