释义 |
picro-Mallory trichrome stain pic·ro-Mal·lo·ry tri·chrome stain (mal'ŏ-rē), a modification of Mallory trichrome stain that involves the addition of picric acid.Mallory, Frank Burr, U.S. pathologist, 1862-1941. Mallory aniline blue stain - Synonym(s): Mallory trichrome stainMallory bodies II - large, poorly defined accumulations of eosinophilic material in the cytoplasm of damaged hepatic cells in certain forms of cirrhosis. Synonym(s): alcoholic hyaline bodiesMallory collagen stainMallory iodine stainMallory phloxine stainMallory phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin stainMallory stain for actinomycesMallory stain for hemofuchsinMallory trichrome stain - a method especially suitable for studying connective tissue. Synonym(s): Mallory aniline blue stain; Mallory triple stainMallory triple stain - Synonym(s): Mallory trichrome stainpicro-Mallory trichrome stain - a modification of Mallory trichrome stain that involves the addition of picric acid. |