

单词 tcp



n (Commerce) trademark a mild disinfectant used for cleansing minor wounds, gargling, etc [abbrev. for t(ri)c(hloro)-p(henylmethyliodisalicyl)]
Noun1.TCP - a protocol developed for the internet to get data from one network device to anotherTCP - a protocol developed for the internet to get data from one network device to another; "TCP uses a retransmission strategy to insure that data will not be lost in transmission"transmission control protocolcommunications protocol, protocol - (computer science) rules determining the format and transmission of dataTCP/IP, transmission control protocol/internet protocol - a set of protocols (including TCP) developed for the internet in the 1970s to get data from one network device to another



Abbreviation for:
thalamocortical projection
therapeutic class profile
total circulating protein
Total Commissioning Pilot 
Total Commissioning Project 
tricalcium phosphate
tropical calcific pancreatitis


A popular over-the-counter nostrum containing phenol, halogenated phenols and sodium salicylate. TCP commands strong partisanship especially among the elderly and is widely believed to have remarkable properties, some of which must be attributed to its all-pervading aroma.


TCPTransmission Control Protocol (with Internet Protocol [IP], the main protocol of the Internet)
TCPTransport Control Protocol
TCPTennenbaum Capital Partners (Santa Monica, CA)
TCPTricalcium Phosphate (calcium salt)
TCPTotal Control Products
TCPThree Card Poker (game)
TCPTown and Country Planning (various locations)
TCPThe Complete Package
TCPTape Carrier Package
TCPTraditional Cultural Property (US NPS)
TCPToledo City Paper (Toledo, OH)
TCPTratado de Comercio de los Pueblos (Spanish)
TCPTunnel Control Protocol
TCPTest Coordination Procedure
TCPTransmission Control Protocol
TCPTransfer Control Protocol
TCPTermination Connection Point
TCPTrusted Computing Platform
TCPTrans-Caspian Pipeline (submarine pipeline between Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan)
TCPTrichlorophenol (antiseptic)
TCPTricresyl Phosphate (plasticizer and lubricant)
TCPThe Color Pages (resource; various locations)
TCPThe Climate Project
TCPTool Center Point
TCPTheater Campaign Plan
TCPTaxable Canadian Property
TCPTime Charter Party (transport)
TCPTraffic Control Point (law enforcement)
TCPTechnical Cooperation Project
TCPTranscutaneous Pacing
TCPTubing Conveyed Perforating (oil drilling)
TCPTeaching Credential Program (various schools)
TCPToxin-Coregulated Pilus
TCPTechnology Control Plan
TCPCheckpoint Time
TCPTest Case Point (software)
TCPThe Cool People
TCPThe Commission Project (est. 1994)
TCPThe Crowd Pleasers (band)
TCPTumor Control Probability
TCPTactical Control Panel (US DoD)
TCPTurtle Conservation Project
TCPThrust Chamber Pressure (US NASA)
TCPTransformer Coupled Plasma
TCPTouch Control Panel
TCPThe Calendar Planner (software)
TCPTerrestrial Carbon Processes
TCPTerminal Control Protocol
TCPTransactional Content Processing (software)
TCPThe Career Place (Woburn, MA)
TCPTactical Command Post
TCPTissue Culture Plastic
TCPTripulante Cabina de Pasajeros (Spanish: Passenger Cabin Crew; aviation)
TCPTraffic Calming Program (various locations)
TCPTechnical Communication Professionals
TCPTriple Crown Productions (horse racing)
TCPTransformation Campaign Plan
TCPTwo Candidate Preferred (Australian voting system)
TCPTuition Credit Program (various schools)
TCPTopologically Close Packed
TCPThai Citizen's Party (Thailand)
TCPTurnover and Completion Package (various companies)
TCPThe Centre Path (gaming guild)
TCPThe Cancer Project
TCPThrough-Canopy Penetration (ejection seat protocol; US DoD)
TCPTubing Conveyed Perforation (oil)
TCPTechnological Capabilities Panel
TCPTransportation Control Plan
TCPThe Community Players (New Hamburg, ON, Canada theater group)
TCPTropical Canine Pancytopenia
TCPTennis Club de Paris (French: Paris Tennis Club; France)
TCPTiger Creek Powerhouse (California)
TCPTechnical Coordination Program
TCPTribal Consultation Policy (US DHHS)
TCPTrajectory Change Point (air traffic management)
TCPTele-Communications Priorities (emergency management)
TCPThought Control Police
TCPTool Control Program
TCPTrichlorophenylmethyliodosalicyl (proprietary germicide)
TCPTerminal Connection Point
TCPTotal Compensation Plan
TCPTerminal Control Processor (AN/USC-38 EHF SATCOM terminal)
TCPTactical Cryptologic Program
TCPTask Change Proposal
TCPTamaraw Conservation Program (Philippines)
TCPTropospheric Chemistry Program
TCPTermination Contracting Officer
TCPTrivalent Chromium Pretreatment
TCPTraditional Cultural Place
TCPTactical Computer Processor
TCPTrial Color Proof (philatelic color test stamp)
TCPTactical Control Point
TCPTechnical Change Proposal
TCPTrading Corporation of Pakistan Ltd
TCPTassin Club Pongiste (French table tennis club)
TCPTourism Certified Professional (Canadian Hotel & Restaurant Training Protocol)
TCPTransmission by Carrier Pigeon
TCPTemperature Coefficient of Permittivity
TCPTurbine Control Panel
TCPTarget Classification Process
TCPTerrot Club Pyrénéen (French motorcycle club)
TCPTraining Certification Plan
TCPTerminal Command Personal Identifier
TCPTaxpayer Compliance Program
TCPTiming and Control Panel
TCPTank Commanders Panel
TCPTwo Compartment Pod (B-58 Hustler)
TCPTerminal Control Position
TCPTrainer Change Proposal
TCPTechnical/Technology Coordinating Paper
TCPTraining Control Program
TCPTopographic Control Points
TCPTRANSEC Control Processor
TCPTest and Checkout Plan
TCPTripycrylbenzene (very high temperature explosive)
TCPTime-Limited Correlation Processing
TCPTime Inversion Operations, Charge, Parity operations (theorems)
TCPTrack Control Processor
TCPTraining Concept Plan
TCPTelemetry & Command Program
TCPTactical Control Processor
TCPThickness Conductivity Product
TCPTest Checkout Panel (US Army; component of Shillelagh Missile System on M551 & M60A2 tanks)
TCPTrident Control Program (Trident submarines)
TCPTraditional CINC Program(s)
TCPTraffic Control Point/Post
TCPTotally Cool Person
TCPTotal Cost to Print
TCPTransportation Charter Permit
TCPTreaty Commission Process (Canada)
TCPTechnical Consumer Products Incorporated
TCPThe Cooper Partnership
TCPTargets and Countermeasures Prime
TCPTri-Cities Paranormal (Kingsport, TN)
TCPTaxi Cab Paris (France)




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