anterior limiting ring

anterior limiting lamina of cornea

[TA] a transparent homogeneous acellular layer, 6-9 mcm thick, lying between the basal layer of the outer of stratified corneal epithelium and the substantia propria of the cornea; considered to be a basement membrane. Synonym(s): lamina limitans anterior corneae [TA], anterior elastic layer, anterior limiting layer of cornea, anterior limiting ring, Bowman layer, Bowman membrane, lamina elastica anterior, Schwalbe ring

an·te·ri·or lim·it·ing ring

(an-tēr'ē-ŏr lim'it-ing ring) The periphery of the cornea marking the termination of Descemet membrane and the anterior border of the trabecular meshwork; an important landmark in gonioscopy.
Synonym(s): Schwalbe ring.


Gustav A., German anatomist, 1844-1916. Schwalbe corpuscle - Synonym(s): taste budSchwalbe fissureSchwalbe foramenSchwalbe membraneSchwalbe nucleusSchwalbe ring - the periphery of the cornea. Synonym(s): anterior limiting ringSchwalbe sheathSchwalbe spaces - the spaces within the internal sheath of the optic nerve filled with cerebrospinal fluid and continuous with the subarachnoid space. Synonym(s): intervaginal space of optic nerve