anterior ligament of malleus

an·te·ri·or lig·a·ment of mal·le·us

[TA] a ligament consisting of two portions: the Meckel band, passing from the base of the anterior process to the spine of the sphenoid through the petrotympanic fissure; and the anterior ligament of Helmholtz, extending from the anterior aspect of the neck of the malleus to the anterior boundary of the tympanic notch. Synonym(s): ligamentum mallei anterius [TA]

an·te·ri·or lig·a·ment of mal·le·us

(an-tērē-ŏr ligă-mĕnt malē-ŭs) [TA] Ligament consisting of two portions: Meckel band, passing from the base of the anterior process to the spine of the sphenoid through the petrotympanic fissure and anterior ligament of Helmholtz, extending from the anterior aspect of the neck of the malleus to the anterior boundary of the tympanic notch.