释义 |
anterior lateral nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal artery anterior lateral nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal artery [TA] branches of the intracranial part of the anterior ethmoidal artery that pass through the cribriform plates of the ethmoid bone, descending into the nasal cavity with the anterior ethmoidal nerves, to run in a groove on the deep surface of the nasal bone and supply the anterosuperior aspect of the lateral wall of the cavity. Synonym(s): rami nasales anteriores laterales arteriae ethmoidalis anterioris [TA]an·te·ri·or la·ter·al na·sal branch·es of an·te·ri·or eth·moid·al ar·te·ry (an-tērē-ŏr latĕr-ăl nāzăl branchĕz an-tērē-ŏr eth-moydăl ahrtĕr-ē) [TA] Branches of the intracranial part of the anterior ethmoidal artery that pass through the cribriform plates of the ethmoid bone, descending into the nasal cavity with the anterior ethmoidal nerves, to run in a groove on the deep surface of the nasal bone and supply the anterosuperior aspect of the lateral wall of the cavity. |