

单词 transcription



T0315200 (trăn-skrĭp′shən)n.1. The act or process of transcribing.2. Something that has been transcribed, especially:a. Music An adaptation of a composition.b. A recorded radio or television program.c. Linguistics A representation of speech sounds in phonetic symbols.3. Genetics The synthesis of messenger RNA from a DNA template through the formation of base pairs, resulting in a transfer of genetic information that codes for amino acid sequences composing proteins.
tran·scrip′tion·al adj.tran·scrip′tion·al·ly adv.tran·scrip′tion·ist n.


(trænˈskrɪpʃən) n1. the act or an instance of transcribing or the state of being transcribed2. something transcribed3. (Phonetics & Phonology) a representation in writing of the actual pronunciation of a speech sound, word, or piece of continuous text, using not a conventional orthography but a symbol or set of symbols specially designated as standing for corresponding phonetic values tranˈscriptional, tranˈscriptive adj tranˈscriptionally, tranˈscriptively adv


(trænˈskrɪp ʃən)

n. 1. the act or process of transcribing. 2. something transcribed. 3. a transcript; copy. 4. the arrangement of a musical composition for a medium other than that for which it was orig. written. 5. a recording made esp. for broadcasting on radio or television. 6. Genetics. the process by which messenger RNA is synthesized on a template of DNA. [1590–1600; < Latin trānscrīptiō. See transcript, -tion] tran•scrip′tion•al, adj.


(trăn-skrĭp′shən) The process in a cell by which genetic material is copied from a strand of DNA to a complementary strand of RNA (called messenger RNA). Transcription takes place in the nucleus before messenger RNA is transported to the ribosomes, the places in the cell where proteins are made.
Noun1.transcription - something written, especially copied from one medium to another, as a typewritten version of dictationtranscription - something written, especially copied from one medium to another, as a typewritten version of dictationwritten textblack and white, written communication, written language - communication by means of written symbols (either printed or handwritten)transliteration - a transcription from one alphabet to anotherphonetic transcription - a transcription intended to represent each distinct speech sound with a separate symbol
2.transcription - (genetics) the organic process whereby the DNA sequence in a gene is copied into mRNA; the process whereby a base sequence of messenger RNA is synthesized on a template of complementary DNAgenetic science, genetics - the branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in organismsbiological process, organic process - a process occurring in living organisms
3.transcription - a sound or television recording (e.g., from a broadcast to a tape recording)transcription - a sound or television recording (e.g., from a broadcast to a tape recording)recording - a storage device on which information (sounds or images) have been recorded
4.transcription - the act of arranging and adapting a piece of musictranscription - the act of arranging and adapting a piece of musicarranging, arrangementrearrangement - changing an arrangementcomposing, composition - musical creationorchestration, instrumentation - the act of arranging a piece of music for an orchestra and assigning parts to the different musical instrumentsorchestration - an arrangement of events that attempts to achieve a maximum effect; "the skillful orchestration of his political campaign"
5.transcription - the act of making a record (especially an audio record)transcription - the act of making a record (especially an audio record); "she watched the recording from a sound-proof booth"recordingcreating from raw materials - the act of creating something that is different from the materials that went into itlip sync, lip synch, lip synchronisation, lip synchronization - combining audio and video recording in such a way that the sound is perfectly synchronized with the action that produced it; especially synchronizing the movements of a speaker's lips with the sound of his speechmastering - the act of making a master recording from which copies can be made; "he received a bill for mastering the concert and making 100 copies"tape record - record with a tape recorderprerecord - record before presentation, as of a broadcastaccession - make a record of additions to a collection, such as a librarydelete, erase - wipe out digitally or magnetically recorded information; "Who erased the files form my hard disk?"record, enter, put down - make a record of; set down in permanent form



[tranz′krip·shən] (engineering acoustics) A recording of a complete radio program, made especially for broadcast purposes. Also known as electrical transcription. (cell and molecular biology) The process by which ribonucleic acid is formed from deoxyribonucleic acid.



in biology, the biosynthesis of ribonucleic acid (RNA) on a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) template that takes place in living cells.

Transcription is a fundamental biological process, the first stage in the production of the genetic information contained in DNA in the form of a linear sequence of four types of monomer links, or nucleotides. Transcription is effected by enzymes that are DNA-dependent RNA polymers. It results in a polymer chain of RNA that also contains nucleotides. In this chain, the sequence of monomer links duplicates the sequence of the monomer units of one of the two complementary chains of the part of the DNA being copied.

The four types of RNA produced by transcription perform a variety of functions: (1) messenger RNA, which serves as a template for protein synthesis by ribosomes (translation); (2) ribosomal RNA, the structural constituents of ribosomes; (3) transfer RNA, the main elements that during protein synthesis recode the information contained in messenger RNA from the language of nucleotides into the language of amino acids; and (4) RNA that serves as a primer for the replication of DNA.

DNA is transcribed by operons containing one or more genes. The enzyme RNA polymerase recognizes the beginning of the operon (the promoter site), unites with the promoter site, unwinds the DNA double helix, and, beginning at that point, copies one of the chains of the helix, moving along the DNA chain and sequentially joining the monomer links, or nucleotides, to the resulting RNA according to the principle of complementarity. As the RNA polymerase moves, the lengthening RNA chain separates from the matrix, and the DNA double helix is restored behind the enzyme. When the RNA polymerase reaches the end of the part of the helix being copied (the terminator), the RNA separates from the matrix. The number of copies of the different parts of DNA depends on the cells’ need for the corresponding proteins. The number of copies may also be altered owing to environmental conditions or changes in the development of the given organism. The regulatory mechanism of transcription has been thoroughly studied in bacteria. The study of the mechanisms of transcription in higher organisms is one of the most important tasks of molecular biology.

Information can be transferred both from DNA to RNA and from RNA to DNA. Such reverse transcription takes place in RNA-containing oncogenic viruses. These viruses contain an enzyme that uses viral RNA as a template for synthesizing the complementary DNA strand after the cells are infected. The result is a double-strand RNA-DNA hybrid that is used to synthesize the second DNA strand, which is complementary to the first strand. The double-helix DNA that is formed and that contains all the information of the original RNA may be incorporated into the chromosomes of a cell infected by the virus and may cause the cell to become malignant.

The discovery of reverse transcription has confirmed the viral theory of the origin of cancer advanced by the Soviet microbiologist L. A. Zil’ber. Reverse transcription may play an important part in the systems used in normal cells for the production and accumulation of information—for example, in embryonic development. The enzyme that causes reverse transcription, RNA-dependent DNA polymerase (reverse transcriptase, or revértase), is similar to DNA-dependent DNA polymerases but considerably different from the DNA-dependent RNA polymerases that cause transcription.


Temin, G. “RNK napravliaiet sintez DNK.” Priroda, 1972, no. 9.
Gershenzon, S. M. “Obratnaia transkriptsiia i ee znachenie dlia obshchei genetiki i onkologii.” Uspekhi sovremennoi biologii, 1973, vol. 75, no. 3.
Stent, G. Molekuliarnaia genetika. Moscow, 1974. Chapter 16. (Translated from English.)




in linguistics, the written representation of words and texts in terms of their pronunciation by means of a special system of letters and symbols. Transcription may be scholarly or orthographic.

Scholarly transcription is used in linguistic studies of speech and may be phonetic or phonemic. Phonetic transcription is the precise representation of a word’s sounds; stress and positional variants are also indicated. Phonemic transcription represents the phonemic composition of words without regard for positional changes of phonemes. Phonetic transcription is often used in bilingual dictionaries, where it is shown in square brackets, whereas phonemic transcription is shown within slashes or angle brackets. Scholarly transcription is usually based on the Latin alphabet supplemented by special symbols and diacritical marks. The most widely used transcription system is the universal alphabet of the International Phonetic Association (IPA), which was devised in 1886 and has been gradually improved since then.

There is also a Cyrillic transcription system, used for languages with a Cyrillic alphabet, and mainly for Russian. In this system, Russian podkhodit’ (“to approach”) is rendered p” tkhad’ it’ in Cyrillic phonetic transcription, and podkhod’it’ in Cyrillic phonemic transcription.

Analytic phonetic transcription is a type of transcription in which each symbol corresponds not to a single sound but to such distinctive elements in the sound’s articulation as labialization or occlusion. This type of transcription is sometimes used for specialized scholarly purposes. Its best-known variant is O. Jespersen’s system of analphabetic notation.

Orthographic transcription is the representation of untranslatable foreign words in the standard spelling of a given national alphabet. Orthographic transcription is used mainly in writing foreign personal names and surnames, as well as geographic names. This type of transcription is less precise than scholarly transcription and is different for each language; it uses only the standard alphabet of the given language. For example, Russian Pushkin is rendered in French as Pouchkine, in German as Puschkin and in Hungarian as Puskin. A successful orthographic transcription always reflects the native pronunciation of the given word. An example of an incorrect transcription, retained because of tradition, is Russian Gudzon for Hudson; a correct transcription would be Khadson. Transcription must be distinguished from transliteration and orthography.


Avanesov, R. I. Fonetika sovremennogo russkogo literaturnogo iazyka. Moscow, 1956.
Zinder, L. R. Obshchaia fonetika. Leningrad, 1960.
Shcherba, L. V. Fonetika frantsuzskogo iazyka, 7th ed. Moscow, 1963.
Reformatskii, A. A. Vvedenie v iazykovedenie, 4th ed. Moscow, 1967.




in music, an adaptation or a performer’s free interpretation of a musical composition. Transcription held an important place in the development of instrumental music; in the 16th century many works for keyboard instruments were in fact transcriptions of vocal music. Famous transcriptions include those for violin by F. Kreisler and piano transcriptions by F. Liszt, F. Busoni, L. Godowski, M. A. Balakirev, S. V. Rachmaninoff, and K. Tausig. (See alsoPARAPHRASE.)



 [trans-krip´shun] 1. the transfer of information.2. the synthesis of RNA using a DNA template catalyzed by an RNA polymerase; the base sequences of the RNA and the DNA template are complementary.order transcription in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as transferring information from order sheets to the nursing patient care planning and documentation system.


(tran-skrip'shŭn), Avoid the misspelling transscription.Transfer of genetic code information from one kind of nucleic acid to another, especially with reference to the process by which a base sequence of messenger RNA is synthesized (by an RNA polymerase) on a template of complementary DNA.


(trăn-skrĭp′shən)n.1. The act or process of transcribing.2. Genetics The synthesis of messenger RNA from a DNA template through the formation of base pairs, resulting in a transfer of genetic information that codes for amino acid sequences composing proteins.
tran·scrip′tion·al adj.tran·scrip′tion·al·ly adv.tran·scrip′tion·ist n.


The process of transforming dictated or otherwise documented information from one medium (e.g., audiotapes, clinical letters, source documents, lab instruments, case report forms (CRFs) and so on) to another (e.g., electronic CRFs).


(tran-skrip'shŭn) 1. Transfer of genetic code information from one kind of nucleic acid to another, especially with reference to the process by which a base sequence of messenger RNA is synthesized (by an RNA polymerase) on a template of complementary DNA. 2. Process in which medical transcriptionists convert dictated health care information into a printable document.


The synthesis of RNA on a DNA template.
TranscriptionFig. 301 Transcription . Uracil replaces thymine in the RNA stage. See genetic code for details of triplets.


the formation of RNA from a DNA template. The RNA may be rRNA or tRNA which are used directly, or mRNA which is translated into protein (see PROTEIN SYNTHESIS). The process can be divided into a number of steps (see Fig. 301 ):
  1. (a) the DNA double helix unwinds.
  2. (b) only one POLYNUCLEOTIDE" >DNA POLYNUCLEOTIDE CHAIN serves as a template (the CODING STRAND or sense strand) in any one region, although both chains will act as templates in different locations.
  3. (c) the enzyme RNA polymerase catalyses the synthesis of an RNA molecule from RIBONUCLEOTIDES with bases complementary to the DNA base sequence, starting at the transcription start site on DNA. Growth of the RNA chain is from 5′ to 3′, the same as in DNA synthesis.
  4. (d) transcription continues until a transcription terminator signal is reached.
  5. (e) in eukaryotes the new RNA molecule (transcript) leaves the DNA of the nucleus and moves to the cytoplasm, where it will function as TRANSFER RNA, MESSENGER RNA or RIBOSOMAL RNA. In prokaryotes the new RNA molecule is synthesized in the cytoplasm.
  6. (f) the two chains of the DNA molecule reanneal to restore the duplex as transcription proceeds.


Related to transcription: phonetic transcription
  • noun

Synonyms for transcription

noun something written, especially copied from one medium to another, as a typewritten version of dictation


  • written text

Related Words

  • black and white
  • written communication
  • written language
  • transliteration
  • phonetic transcription

noun (genetics) the organic process whereby the DNA sequence in a gene is copied into mRNA

Related Words

  • genetic science
  • genetics
  • biological process
  • organic process

noun a sound or television recording (e

Related Words

  • recording

noun the act of arranging and adapting a piece of music


  • arranging
  • arrangement

Related Words

  • rearrangement
  • composing
  • composition
  • orchestration
  • instrumentation

noun the act of making a record (especially an audio record)


  • recording

Related Words

  • creating from raw materials
  • lip sync
  • lip synch
  • lip synchronisation
  • lip synchronization
  • mastering
  • tape record
  • prerecord
  • accession
  • delete
  • erase
  • record
  • enter
  • put down




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