transcervical balloon tuboplasty

transcervical balloon tuboplasty

Gynecology The insertion of a balloon catheter via the cervix to dilate and re-establish patency of fallopian tubes stenosed by the vicissitudes of salpingitis; TBT is analogous to balloon angioplasty. See Pelvic inflammatory disease.

transcervical balloon tuboplasty

Catheterization and dilation of the fallopian tubes, used to treat infertility in women whose fallopian tubes are occluded proximally. A balloon catheter is inserted through the cervical os of the uterus and into the fallopian tube to the point of occlusion in the tube. The balloon is then expanded by filling it with sterile saline. This dilation of the tube may restore tubal patency. See: balloon catheter; infertilitySee also: tuboplasty