

单词 shot


shot 1

C0329300 (shŏt)n.1. The firing or discharge of a weapon, such as a gun.2. The distance over which something is shot; the range.3. a. An attempt to hit a target with a projectile: His shot at the bear missed by inches.b. An attempt to reach a target with a rocket: a moon shot.4. Sports & Games a. An attempt to score into a goal, as in soccer or hockey.b. The flight or path of a projectile in a game.c. A sharply hit or driven ball or puck.d. A stroke in a game, as in golf or billiards: took three shots to get out of the sand trap.5. A pointed or critical remark.6. Informal a. An attempt; a try: took a shot at losing weight.b. An opportunity: gave him a fair shot at the part in the play.c. A chance at odds; something to bet on: The horse was a four-to-one shot.7. a. A solid projectile designed to be discharged from a firearm or cannon.b. pl. shot Such projectiles, especially when fired in clusters, considered as a group.c. pl. shot Tiny lead or steel pellets, especially ones used in a shotgun cartridge.d. One of these pellets.8. Sports The heavy metal ball that is put for distance in the shot put.9. One who shoots in a particular way: a good shot with the rifle and the bow.10. a. A charge of explosives used in blasting mine shafts.b. A detonation of an explosive charge.11. a. A photograph taken of a particular subject: got a good shot of that last model.b. A single continuous recording made with a movie camera.12. a. A hypodermic injection.b. A small amount given or applied at one time: a shot of oxygen.13. a. A small amount of liquor, usually between 1 and 1 ½ ounces: got out the vodka and measured two shots into the glass.b. A small drink: sipped a shot of bourbon; drank a shot of espresso.c. A small amount of a liquid used as an ingredient in a beverage: prepared a smoothie with a shot of wheatgrass.14. An amount to be paid, as for drinks; a bill.15. Nautical A length of chain equal to 15 fathoms (90 feet).tr.v. shot·ted, shot·ting, shots To load or weight with shot.Idioms: like a shot Very quickly. shot in the arm Informal Something that boosts one's spirits. shot in the dark Informal 1. A guess.2. An attempt that has little chance of succeeding.
[Middle English, from Old English sceot, scot; see skeud- in Indo-European roots.]

shot 2

C0329300 (shŏt)v.Past tense and past participle of shoot.adj.1. a. Of changeable or variegated color; iridescent.b. Streaked or flecked with or as if with yarn of a different color: a blue suit shot with purple; a forest glade that was shot with sunlight.c. Interspersed or permeated with a distinctive quality: Her apology was shot with irony.2. Informal a. Worn-out; ruined.b. Exhausted; thoroughly tired.


(ʃɒt) npl shot1. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) the act or an instance of discharging a projectile2. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) a solid missile, such as an iron ball or a lead pellet, discharged from a firearm3. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) a. small round pellets of lead collectively, as used in cartridgesb. metal in the form of coarse powder or small pellets4. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) the distance that a discharged projectile travels or is capable of travelling5. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) a person who shoots, esp with regard to his ability: he is a good shot. 6. informal an attempt; effort7. informal a guess or conjecture8. (General Sporting Terms) any act of throwing or hitting something, as in certain sports9. (Astronautics) the launching of a rocket, missile, etc, esp to a specified destination: a moon shot. 10. (Photography) a. a single photograph: I took 16 shots of the wedding. b. a series of frames on cine film concerned with a single eventc. a length of film taken by a single camera without breaks, used with others to build up a full motion picture or television film11. (Medicine) informal an injection, as of a vaccine or narcotic drug12. (Brewing) informal a glass of alcoholic drink, esp spirits13. (Athletics (Track & Field)) sport a heavy metal ball used in the shot put14. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) an explosive charge used in blasting15. (Metallurgy) globules of metal occurring in the body of a casting that are harder than the rest of the casting16. (Units) a unit of chain length equal to 75 feet (Brit) or 90 feet (US)17. call the shots slang to have control over an organization, course of action, etc18. have a shot at informal a. to attemptb. Austral to jibe at or vex19. like a shot very quickly, esp willingly20. shot in the arm informal anything that regenerates, increases confidence or efficiency, etc: his arrival was a shot in the arm for the company. 21. shot in the dark a wild guess22. that's the shot informal Austral that is the right thing to dovb, shots, shotting or shotted (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) (tr) to weight or load with shot[Old English scot; related to Old Norse skot, Old High German scoz missile; see shoot]


(ʃɒt) vb the past tense and past participle of shootadj1. (Textiles) (of textiles) woven to give a changing colour effect: shot silk. 2. (Colours) streaked with colour3. slang exhausted4. get shot of get shut of slang to get rid of



n., pl. shots, for 6,8, shot; n. 1. a discharge of a firearm, bow, etc. 2. an act or instance of shooting a firearm, bow, etc. 3. the range of or the distance traveled by a missile in its flight. 4. an aimed discharge of a missile. 5. an attempt to hit a target with a missile. 6. a small ball or pellet of lead, a number of which are loaded in a cartridge and used for one charge of a shotgun. 7. such pellets collectively: a charge of shot. 8. a projectile for discharge from a firearm or cannon. 9. such projectiles collectively. 10. a person who shoots; marksman: a good shot. 11. anything like a shot, esp. in being sudden and forceful. 12. a heavy metal ball used in shot-putting contests. 13. an aimed stroke, throw, or the like, as in certain games, esp. in an attempt to score. 14. an attempt or try. 15. a remark aimed at some person or thing. 16. a guess at something. 17. a hypodermic injection, as of a serum or vaccine. 18. a small quantity, esp. an ounce, of undiluted liquor. 19. an amount due, esp. at a tavern. 20. a. a photograph, esp. a snapshot. b. the act of taking a photograph. 21. Motion Pictures, Television. a unit of action photographed without interruption and constituting a single camera view. 22. an appearance as a guest, esp. on television. 23. a 90-foot (27-m) length of anchor cable or chain. 24. Textiles. a. a pick sent through the shed in a single throw of the shuttle. b. (in carpet weaving) the quantity of filling yarn in relation to each row of tufts in the pile, expressed with a preceding number: three-shot carpet. c. a defect in a fabric caused by an unusual color or size in the yarn. d. pick 3 (def. 3). 25. a chance with odds for and against; a bet: a 20 to 1 shot that the horse will win. v.t. 26. to load or supply with shot. 27. to weight with shot. Idioms: 1. have or take a shot at, to make an attempt at. 2. like a shot, instantly; quickly. 3. shot in the arm, something that provides renewed vigor, confidence, etc. 4. shot in the dark, a wild or random guess. [before 900; Middle English; Old English sc(e)ot,(ge)sceot, c. Old Frisian skot, Old High German (gi)scoz; akin to shoot1]



v. 1. pt. and pp. of shoot 1. adj. 2. woven so as to present a play of colors; variegated, as silk. 3. spread or streaked with color: the dawn sky shot with gold. 4. in hopelessly bad condition.


  • shot - Referring to a fluid dram of liquor, the term is fairly new, dating to 1928 (PG Wodehouse).
  • deadline - Originally a Civil War term for a line that marked the distance a prisoner could go before being shot on sight.
  • schuss - A straight downhill ski run, it is literally German for "a shot."
  • beside the point - The expression is from ancient archery, and literally means one's shot is wide of the target.


In artillery and naval gunfire support, a report that indicates a gun, or guns, have been fired. See also rounds complete.


 pellets collectively; shots or discharges of missiles.Examples: shot of cannon, 1642; of general dangers, 1662; of fish (single draught or catch), 1859; of foot soldiers; of ice, 1650; of nets (entire throw of fishing nets at one time); of noise and nastiness, 1718; of rain, 1673; of water, 1400; of words, 1567.


Past participle: shotted
Gerund: shotting
I shot
you shot
he/she/it shots
we shot
you shot
they shot
I shotted
you shotted
he/she/it shotted
we shotted
you shotted
they shotted
Present Continuous
I am shotting
you are shotting
he/she/it is shotting
we are shotting
you are shotting
they are shotting
Present Perfect
I have shotted
you have shotted
he/she/it has shotted
we have shotted
you have shotted
they have shotted
Past Continuous
I was shotting
you were shotting
he/she/it was shotting
we were shotting
you were shotting
they were shotting
Past Perfect
I had shotted
you had shotted
he/she/it had shotted
we had shotted
you had shotted
they had shotted
I will shot
you will shot
he/she/it will shot
we will shot
you will shot
they will shot
Future Perfect
I will have shotted
you will have shotted
he/she/it will have shotted
we will have shotted
you will have shotted
they will have shotted
Future Continuous
I will be shotting
you will be shotting
he/she/it will be shotting
we will be shotting
you will be shotting
they will be shotting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been shotting
you have been shotting
he/she/it has been shotting
we have been shotting
you have been shotting
they have been shotting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been shotting
you will have been shotting
he/she/it will have been shotting
we will have been shotting
you will have been shotting
they will have been shotting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been shotting
you had been shotting
he/she/it had been shotting
we had been shotting
you had been shotting
they had been shotting
I would shot
you would shot
he/she/it would shot
we would shot
you would shot
they would shot
Past Conditional
I would have shotted
you would have shotted
he/she/it would have shotted
we would have shotted
you would have shotted
they would have shotted


A series of frames concerned with a single event.
Noun1.shot - the act of firing a projectileshot - the act of firing a projectile; "his shooting was slow but accurate"shootingactuation, propulsion - the act of propellingshoot - the act of shooting at targets; "they hold a shoot every weekend during the summer"countershot - a return shot; a retaliatory shotfiring off, firing, discharge - the act of discharging a gunfire control - preparation for the delivery of shellfire on a targetgunfire, gunshot - the act of shooting a gun; "the gunfire endangered innocent bystanders"; "they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire"headshot - a shot aimed at a person's headshellfire - shooting artillery shellspotshot - a shot taken at an easy or casual target (as by a pothunter)
2.shot - a solid missile discharged from a firearm; "the shot buzzed past his ear"pelletBB, BB shot - a small pellet fired from an air rifle or BB gunbird shot, buckshot, duck shot - small lead shot for shotgun shellscanister, canister shot, case shot - a metallic cylinder packed with shot and used as ammunition in a firearmgrapeshot, grape - a cluster of small projectiles fired together from a cannon to produce a hail of shotmusket ball, ball - a solid projectile that is shot by a musket; "they had to carry a ramrod as well as powder and ball"projectile, missile - a weapon that is forcibly thrown or projected at a targets but is not self-propelled
3.shot - (sports) the act of swinging or striking at a ball with a club or racket or bat or cue or handshot - (sports) the act of swinging or striking at a ball with a club or racket or bat or cue or hand; "it took two strokes to get out of the bunker"; "a good shot requires good balance and tempo"; "he left me an almost impossible shot"strokefollow-through - the act of carrying a stroke to its natural completion; "his follow-through was straight down the line toward the target"; "squash can be dangerous if your opponent has a long follow-through"break - the opening shot that scatters the balls in billiards or poolcarom, cannon - a shot in billiards in which the cue ball contacts one object ball and then the othermasse, masse shot - a shot in billiards made by hitting the cue ball with the cue held nearly vertically; the cue ball spins around another ball before hitting the object ballmiscue - a faulty shot in billiards; the cue tip slips off the cue ballathletics, sport - an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competitionmaneuver, manoeuvre, play - a deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill; "he made a great maneuver"; "the runner was out on a play by the shortstop"undercut, cut - (sports) a stroke that puts reverse spin on the ball; "cuts do not bother a good tennis player"swipe - a sweeping stroke or blowtennis shot, tennis stroke - the act of hitting a tennis ball with a tennis racketbaseball swing, swing, cut - in baseball; a batter's attempt to hit a pitched ball; "he took a vicious cut at the ball"golf shot, golf stroke, swing - the act of swinging a golf club at a golf ball and (usually) hitting it
4.shot - a chance to do something; "he wanted a shot at the champion"crackcolloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speechchance, opportunity - a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances; "the holiday gave us the opportunity to visit Washington"; "now is your chance"
5.shot - a person who shoots (usually with respect to their ability to shoot); "he is a crack shot"; "a poor shooter"shooterexpert - a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfullycrack shot, marksman, sharpshooter - someone skilled in shootinggunman, gun - a person who shoots a gun (as regards their ability)trapshooter - a person who engages in shooting at clay pigeons that are hurled into the air by a trap
6.shot - a consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of action in a filmscenephoto, photograph, pic, exposure, picture - a representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive materialmotion picture, motion-picture show, movie, moving picture, moving-picture show, pic, film, picture show, flick, picture - a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement; "they went to a movie every Saturday night"; "the film was shot on location"outtake - a scene that is filmed but is not used in the final editing of the film
7.shot - the act of putting a liquid into the body by means of a syringe; "the nurse gave him a flu shot"injectionintradermal injection - an injection into the skinintramuscular injection - an injection into a muscleintravenous injection - an injection into a veinsubcutaneous injection - an injection under the skinmedical aid, medical care - professional treatment for illness or injury
8.shot - a small drink of liquor; "he poured a shot of whiskey"nipsmall indefinite amount, small indefinite quantity - an indefinite quantity that is below average size or magnitude
9.shot - an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effectshot - an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect; "his parting shot was `drop dead'"; "she threw shafts of sarcasm"; "she takes a dig at me every chance she gets"gibe, jibe, barb, dig, shaft, slamcomment, remark, input - a statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief or adds information; "from time to time she contributed a personal comment on his account"cheap shot - an unnecessarily aggressive and unfair remark directed at a defenseless person
10.shot - an estimate based on little or no informationshot - an estimate based on little or no informationdead reckoning, guessing, guesswork, guessapproximation, estimate, estimation, idea - an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth; "an estimate of what it would cost"; "a rough idea how long it would take"
11.shot - an informal photographshot - an informal photograph; usually made with a small hand-held camera; "my snapshots haven't been developed yet"; "he tried to get unposed shots of his friends"snapshot, snapphoto, photograph, pic, exposure, picture - a representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material
12.shot - sports equipment consisting of a heavy metal ball used in the shot put; "he trained at putting the shot"sports equipment - equipment needed to participate in a particular sport
13.shot - an explosive charge used in blastingburster, bursting charge, explosive charge, charge - a quantity of explosive to be set off at one time; "this cartridge has a powder charge of 50 grains"
14.shot - a blow hard enough to cause injury; "he is still recovering from a shot to his leg"; "I caught him with a solid shot to the chin"blow - a powerful stroke with the fist or a weapon; "a blow on the head"cheap shot - an illegal and unsportsmanlike act of unnecessary violence; "he called a penalty on them when the lineman took a cheap shot at the quarterback"
15.shot - an attempt to score in a gameshot - an attempt to score in a game basketball shot - throwing the basketball toward the hoop; "his shot hit the rim and bounced out"attempt, effort, try, endeavor, endeavour - earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something; "made an effort to cover all the reading material"; "wished him luck in his endeavor"; "she gave it a good try"slapshot - a fast shot made with a short powerful swing of the hockey stickheadshot - an attempt to put the soccer ball into the net by using the head
16.shot - informal words for any attempt or effort; "he gave it his best shot"; "he took a stab at forecasting"stabattempt, effort, try, endeavor, endeavour - earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something; "made an effort to cover all the reading material"; "wished him luck in his endeavor"; "she gave it a good try"
17.shot - the launching of a missile or spacecraft to a specified destinationshot - the launching of a missile or spacecraft to a specified destinationblastoffrocket firing, rocket launching - the launching of a rocket or missile under its own power
Adj.1.shot - varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles; "changeable taffeta"; "chatoyant (or shot) silk"; "a dragonfly hovered, vibrating and iridescent"chatoyant, iridescent, changeablecolorful, colourful - having striking color; "colorful autumn leaves"


noun1. discharge, report, gunfire, crack, blast, explosion, bang Guards at the training base heard the shots.2. ammunition, bullet, slug, pellet, projectile, lead, ball These guns are lighter and take more shot for their size.3. marksman, shooter, rifleman, markswoman He was not a particularly good shot because of his eyesight.4. (Informal) strike, hit, throw, kick, pitch, stroke, lob He had only one shot at goal.5. photograph, photo, picture, still, print, slide, snap, proof, snapshot, transparency He received praise for the monochrome shots in the film.6. attempt, go (informal), try, turn, chance, effort, opportunity, crack (informal), essay, stab (informal), endeavour He will be given a shot at the world title.7. injection, jab, dose, measure, quantity, draught, booster, dosage, vaccination, immunization, inoculation a shot of the drug Nembutala shot in the arm (Informal) boost, lift, encouragement, push, stimulus, tonic, impetus, pick-me-up, fillip, geeing-up A win would provide a much-needed shot in the arm for the team.a shot in the dark guess, speculation, conjecture, surmise, wild guess It was a shot in the dark but I decided to write to him.by a long shot1. by far, undoubtedly, without doubt, far and away, indubitably He's missed the mark by a long shot.2. by any means, in any circumstances, on any account This isn't over by a long shot.call the shots have control, rule, have the power, call the tune, hold the purse strings, dominate The directors call the shots.have a shot (Informal) make an attempt, have a go, try, have a crack (informal), try your luck, have a stab (informal), have a bash (informal), tackle Why don't you have a shot at it?like a shot at once, immediately, in a flash, quickly, eagerly, unhesitatingly, like a bat out of hell (slang) I heard the key in the front door and I was out of bed like a shot.long shot outsider, outside chance, slim chance, fat chance (informal), remote possibility, chance in a million The prospect of them being freed is not such a long shot.


noun1. Informal. A trying to do or make something:attempt, crack, effort, endeavor, essay, go, offer, stab, trial, try.Slang: take.Archaic: assay.2. Informal. A brief trial:crack, go, stab, try.Informal: fling, whack, whirl.3. Informal. A favorable or advantageous combination of circumstances:break, chance, occasion, opening, opportunity.4. A small amount of liquor:dram, drop, jigger, sip, tot.Informal: nip, slug.Slang: snort.


(ʃot) noun1. a single act of shooting. He fired one shot. 射擊 射击(射击中的一发子弹) 2. the sound of a gun being fired. He heard a shot. 射擊聲 射击声3. a throw, hit, turn etc in a game or competition. It's your shot; Can I have a shot?; He played some good shots in that tennis match; Good shot! (比賽)投擲、射門、投籃、一擊等 (体育比赛中的)击球、射门、投篮等 4. an attempt. I don't know if I can do that, but I'll have a shot (at it). 嘗試 尝试5. something which is shot or fired, especially small lead bullets used in cartridges. lead shot. 彈丸,砲彈 弹丸6. a photograph, especially a scene in a film. 拍攝,(電影)鏡頭 (电影中的)镜头 7. an injection. The doctor gave me a shot. 注射 注射8. a marksman. He's a good shot. 射手 射手ˈshotgun noun a type of rifle that fires shot. a double-barrelled shotgun. 散彈槍 霰弹枪,鸟枪 like a shot very quickly; eagerly. He accepted my invitation like a shot. 立刻,迫不及待地 立刻a shot in the dark a guess based on little or no information. The detective admitted that his decision to check the factory had just been a shot in the dark. 猜測 猜测


  • I need a tetanus shot → 我需要打破伤风预防针


be shot

1. To be physically, mentally, or emotionally exhausted. After two hours in the gym and another hour swimming, I was shot by the time I got home. I'm already pretty shot from writing essays, and I still have another one to write for tomorrow.2. To be in a bad condition or totally destroyed. I wish I could have the repairs finished sooner, but I'm afraid your engine's shot. Between dealing with mounting debt, my four children, and my recent divorce, my nerves are pretty shot at the moment.3. To be filmed. The surprise independent hit was shot on a budget of less than $100,000.4. Of resources, money, etc., to be wasted, spent, or used up. I can't believe my entire budget for a week in Las Vegas was shot in the first day!See also: shot


1. n. a try at something. Go ahead. Give it another shot. 2. mod. exhausted; ruined. Here’s your pen back. It’s shot anyway. 3. n. a rocket launching. The shot was canceled because of the weather. 4. n. a small or quickly drunk drink of liquor, usually whiskey. He stopped at every bar on the strip for a quick shot. 5. n. an injection of drugs. Just one shot of that stuff and you’re hooked for life. 6. mod. alcohol intoxicated. They are a little noisy, I guess, but after all they are shot—you know, plastered.
  • (all) shot to hell
  • (one's) best shot
  • (one's) nerves are shot
  • a big shot
  • a bird's eye shot
  • a cheap shot
  • a long shot
  • a parting shot
  • a shot across somebody's bows
  • a shot across the bows
  • a shot in the arm
  • a shot in the dark
  • a shot in the locker
  • a shot/stab in the dark
  • a warning shot across the bows
  • be (all) shot to hell
  • be a long shot
  • be shot
  • be shot down in flames
  • be shot of (someone or something)
  • be shot to hell
  • be shot to pieces
  • be/get shot of somebody/something
  • big cheese
  • big shot
  • bloodshot eyes
  • by a long shot
  • call (all) the shots
  • call (one's) shots
  • call all the shots
  • call shotgun
  • call the shots
  • call the shots/the tune
  • cheap shot
  • chip shot
  • do a shot
  • fire a shot across the bow
  • get shot of
  • get shot of (someone or something)
  • get shot of someone/something
  • give (something) (one's) best shot
  • give a try
  • give best shot
  • give it (one's) best shot
  • give it a shot
  • give it one's best shot
  • give it one's best shot, to
  • give it your best shot
  • give something your best shot
  • grape shot
  • grape-shot
  • have a crack at
  • have a shot at (someone or something)
  • have shot your bolt
  • have/take a shot
  • hot shot
  • hotshot
  • hot-shot
  • in earshot
  • like a shot
  • long shot
  • long shot, (not by) a
  • long shot, a
  • mug shot
  • not a shot in your locker
  • not by a long shot
  • not have a shot in (one's) locker
  • off like a shot
  • one shot in (one's) locker
  • one shot in your locker
  • one’s best shot
  • one's best shot
  • one-shot
  • parting shot
  • parting shot, a
  • pot shot
  • shoot (one) a dirty look
  • shoot (one) the bird
  • shoot (one's) bolt
  • shoot (one's) breakfast
  • shoot (one's) cookies
  • shoot (one's) cuffs
  • shoot (one's) fox
  • shoot (one's) mouth off
  • shoot (one's) supper
  • shoot (one's) wad
  • shoot (oneself) in the foot
  • shoot (someone or something) (all) to hell
  • shoot (someone or something) down in flames
  • shoot a line
  • shoot down
  • shoot first, ask questions later
  • shoot for (something)
  • shoot for the sky
  • shoot for the stars
  • shoot from the hip
  • shoot full of holes
  • shoot it out
  • shoot off
  • shoot off (one's) face
  • shoot off (one's) mouth
  • shoot off at the mouth
  • shoot one's bolt, to
  • shoot out
  • shoot square
  • shoot straight
  • shoot the breeze
  • shoot the bull
  • shoot the cat
  • shoot the crap
  • shoot the dozens
  • shoot the lights
  • shoot the lights out
  • shoot the works
  • shoot through (to somewhere)
  • shoot through like a Bondi tram
  • shoot to pieces
  • shoot to ribbons
  • shoot up
  • shot
  • shot across the bow(s)
  • shot away
  • shot down
  • shot full of holes
  • shot full of lead
  • shot in the arm
  • shot in the arm, a
  • shot in the dark
  • shot in the dark, a
  • shot in the neck
  • shot through with
  • shot through with (something)
  • shot through with something
  • shot to hell
  • shot to pieces
  • shot to ribbons
  • shot to the curb
  • shot up
  • shot-away
  • shots fired
  • shot-up
  • take a pot shot
  • take a shot
  • take a shot (at someone or something)
  • take a shot at
  • take a shot at (someone or something)
  • take a shot at something
  • take a shot in the dark
  • try at
  • warning shot
  • warning shot across the bow(s)
  • Who calls the shots here?
  • who shot John
  • within earshot



11. a. a single photograph b. a series of frames on cine film concerned with a single event c. a length of film taken by a single camera without breaks, used with others to build up a full motion picture or television film 2. Sport a heavy metal ball used in the shot put 3. globules of metal occurring in the body of a casting that are harder than the rest of the casting 4. a unit of chain length equal to 75 feet (Brit) or 90 feet (US)


21. (of textiles) woven to give a changing colour effect 2. streaked with colour



in film-making, the placement of a subject in a frame of film and also the scale of representation. The distinction between close-ups, medium shots, and long shots is based on the position of the subject. There are also big, medium, and general shots, depending on scale. Varying shots is a basic technique in the pictorial and sequential composition of scenes and episodes in a film.



a spherical, solid, nonexplosive projectile used in smoothbore artillery and firearms. In the mid-14th century shot was made of stone; iron was used in the 15th century and was subsequently replaced by pig iron (for large-caliber guns) and lead (for small-caliber weapons). Incandescent incendiary shot came into use in the 16th century, and in the 17th century hollow shot filled with explosive powder—grenades—was widely used. Shot became obsolete in the second half of the 19th century when smooth bores were replaced by rifled bores.


[shät] (aerospace engineering) An act or instance of firing a rocket, especially from the earth's surface. (engineering) A charge of some kind of explosive. Small spherical particles of steel. Small steel balls used as the cutting agent of a shot drill. The firing of a blast. In plastics molding, the yield from one complete molding cycle, including scrap. (mining engineering) Coal broken by blasting or other methods. (ordnance) A solid projectile for cannon, without a bursting charge; the term projectile is preferred for uniformity in nomenclature. A mass or load of numerous, relatively small, lead pellets used in a shotgun, as birdshot or buckshot.



(shŏt)n.1. A hypodermic injection.2. A small amount given or applied at one time.


Abbreviation for:
serious hazards of transfusion
Sheffield Obesity Trial


Injection, see there.

Patient discussion about shot

Q. Should I get a flu shot? I was wondering if one should get a flu shot. Does it even work and protect from the flu?A. In general, anyone who wants to reduce their chances of getting the flu can get vaccinated. However, it is recommended that certain people should get vaccinated each year. They are either people who are at high risk of having serious flu complications or people who live with or care for those at high risk for serious complications. People who should get vaccinated each year are:
1.Children aged 6 months up to their 19th birthday
2.Pregnant women
3.People 50 years of age and older
4.People of any age with certain chronic medical conditions
5.People who live in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities
6.People who live with or care for those at high risk for complications from flu, including: Health care workers, Household contacts of persons at high risk for complications from the flu and Household contacts and out of home caregivers of children less than 6 months of age (these children are too young to be vaccinated)

Q. what does an insulin shot do? and what is it good for? A. Insulin is a hormone (substance that controls the activity of the body) that enables muscles and fat to use the glucose (sugar) we get from the diet as a source of energy for activity or for storage as fat. Thus, it lowers the concentration of glucose in the blood. It's produced and secreted from the pancreas, a gland located in the back of the abdomen. When people don't have insulin, or if the body doesn't respond to insulin (essentially diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2, respectively), therapy with insulin helps the body maintain a normal level of glucose. Excessive concentration of glucose in the blood is termed "hyperglycemia" and is deleterious in the long term.
You may read more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insulin

Q. Does it exist a Birth Control Shot for men? A. No. Currently there are no available medications for birth control for men. However, there are several other methods, including barrier methods (condom) and more irreversible ones (e.g. vasectomy) which may require a treatment by a surgeon.
You may read more here: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001946.htm

More discussions about shot


SHOTSociety for the History of Technology
SHOTSerious Hazards of Transfusion (UK)
SHOTShooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade Show
SHOTSight Hound Organization of Tidewater (Virginia)
SHOTShoot Hell Obduracy Troopers (fiction)
SHOTStudent Health Outreach Team (University of Florida)
SHOTSingle-Hull Oil Tanker


  • all
  • noun
  • adj
  • phrase

Synonyms for shot

noun discharge


  • discharge
  • report
  • gunfire
  • crack
  • blast
  • explosion
  • bang

noun ammunition


  • ammunition
  • bullet
  • slug
  • pellet
  • projectile
  • lead
  • ball

noun marksman


  • marksman
  • shooter
  • rifleman
  • markswoman

noun strike


  • strike
  • hit
  • throw
  • kick
  • pitch
  • stroke
  • lob

noun photograph


  • photograph
  • photo
  • picture
  • still
  • print
  • slide
  • snap
  • proof
  • snapshot
  • transparency

noun attempt


  • attempt
  • go
  • try
  • turn
  • chance
  • effort
  • opportunity
  • crack
  • essay
  • stab
  • endeavour

noun injection


  • injection
  • jab
  • dose
  • measure
  • quantity
  • draught
  • booster
  • dosage
  • vaccination
  • immunization
  • inoculation

phrase a shot in the arm


  • boost
  • lift
  • encouragement
  • push
  • stimulus
  • tonic
  • impetus
  • pick-me-up
  • fillip
  • geeing-up

phrase a shot in the dark


  • guess
  • speculation
  • conjecture
  • surmise
  • wild guess

phrase by a long shot: by far


  • by far
  • undoubtedly
  • without doubt
  • far and away
  • indubitably

phrase by a long shot: by any means


  • by any means
  • in any circumstances
  • on any account

phrase call the shots


  • have control
  • rule
  • have the power
  • call the tune
  • hold the purse strings
  • dominate

phrase have a shot


  • make an attempt
  • have a go
  • try
  • have a crack
  • try your luck
  • have a stab
  • have a bash
  • tackle

phrase like a shot


  • at once
  • immediately
  • in a flash
  • quickly
  • eagerly
  • unhesitatingly
  • like a bat out of hell

phrase long shot


  • outsider
  • outside chance
  • slim chance
  • fat chance
  • remote possibility
  • chance in a million

Synonyms for shot

noun a trying to do or make something


  • attempt
  • crack
  • effort
  • endeavor
  • essay
  • go
  • offer
  • stab
  • trial
  • try
  • take
  • assay

noun a brief trial


  • crack
  • go
  • stab
  • try
  • fling
  • whack
  • whirl

noun a favorable or advantageous combination of circumstances


  • break
  • chance
  • occasion
  • opening
  • opportunity

noun a small amount of liquor


  • dram
  • drop
  • jigger
  • sip
  • tot
  • nip
  • slug
  • snort

Synonyms for shot

noun the act of firing a projectile


  • shooting

Related Words

  • actuation
  • propulsion
  • shoot
  • countershot
  • firing off
  • firing
  • discharge
  • fire control
  • gunfire
  • gunshot
  • headshot
  • shellfire
  • potshot

noun a solid missile discharged from a firearm


  • pellet

Related Words

  • BB
  • BB shot
  • bird shot
  • buckshot
  • duck shot
  • canister
  • canister shot
  • case shot
  • grapeshot
  • grape
  • musket ball
  • ball
  • projectile
  • missile

noun (sports) the act of swinging or striking at a ball with a club or racket or bat or cue or hand


  • stroke

Related Words

  • follow-through
  • break
  • carom
  • cannon
  • masse
  • masse shot
  • miscue
  • athletics
  • sport
  • maneuver
  • manoeuvre
  • play
  • undercut
  • cut
  • swipe
  • tennis shot
  • tennis stroke
  • baseball swing
  • swing
  • golf shot
  • golf stroke

noun a chance to do something


  • crack

Related Words

  • colloquialism
  • chance
  • opportunity

noun a person who shoots (usually with respect to their ability to shoot)


  • shooter

Related Words

  • expert
  • crack shot
  • marksman
  • sharpshooter
  • gunman
  • gun
  • trapshooter

noun a consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of action in a film


  • scene

Related Words

  • photo
  • photograph
  • pic
  • exposure
  • picture
  • motion picture
  • motion-picture show
  • movie
  • moving picture
  • moving-picture show
  • film
  • picture show
  • flick
  • outtake

noun the act of putting a liquid into the body by means of a syringe


  • injection

Related Words

  • intradermal injection
  • intramuscular injection
  • intravenous injection
  • subcutaneous injection
  • medical aid
  • medical care

noun a small drink of liquor


  • nip

Related Words

  • small indefinite amount
  • small indefinite quantity

noun an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect


  • gibe
  • jibe
  • barb
  • dig
  • shaft
  • slam

Related Words

  • comment
  • remark
  • input
  • cheap shot

noun an estimate based on little or no information


  • dead reckoning
  • guessing
  • guesswork
  • guess

Related Words

  • approximation
  • estimate
  • estimation
  • idea

noun an informal photograph


  • snapshot
  • snap

Related Words

  • photo
  • photograph
  • pic
  • exposure
  • picture

noun sports equipment consisting of a heavy metal ball used in the shot put

Related Words

  • sports equipment

noun an explosive charge used in blasting

Related Words

  • burster
  • bursting charge
  • explosive charge
  • charge

noun a blow hard enough to cause injury

Related Words

  • blow
  • cheap shot

noun an attempt to score in a game

Related Words

  • basketball shot
  • attempt
  • effort
  • try
  • endeavor
  • endeavour
  • slapshot
  • headshot

noun informal words for any attempt or effort


  • stab

Related Words

  • attempt
  • effort
  • try
  • endeavor
  • endeavour

noun the launching of a missile or spacecraft to a specified destination


  • blastoff

Related Words

  • rocket firing
  • rocket launching

adj varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles


  • chatoyant
  • iridescent
  • changeable

Related Words

  • colorful
  • colourful




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