Shoshone County
Shoshone County, Idaho
Wallace, ID 83873
Phone: (208) 752-3331
Fax: (208) 753-2711
On the eastern border of the ID panhandle, northeast of Lewiston. The first organized unit of government in ID, it was originally created in 1858 as part of WA Territory, effective in 1861; reorganized Feb 4, 1864 (prior to statehood). Name Origin: For the Shonone, one of the major Indian tribes of the northern Rocky Mountain region
Area (sq mi):: 2635.50 (land 2633.91; water 1.59) Population per square mile: 5.00
Population 2005: 13,157 State rank: 22 Population change: 2000-20005 -4.50%; 1990-2000 -1.10% Population 2000: 13,771 (White 94.70%; Black or African American 0.10%; Hispanic or Latino 1.90%; Asian 0.20%; Other 3.80%). Foreign born: 2.00%. Median age: 41.80
Income 2000: per capita $15,934; median household $28,535; Population below poverty level: 16.40% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $19,151-$22,481
Unemployment (2004): 9.50% Unemployment change (from 2000): -2.50% Median travel time to work: 21.60 minutes Working outside county of residence: 18.50%
See other counties in Idaho.