Pickwick syndrome

A complication of extreme obesity, which is characterised by marked cardiovascular compromise, decreased tidal and expiratory reserve volumes, alveolar hypoventilation, hypoxia, cyanosis and hypercapnia, if severe and prolonged, dyspnoea, polycythemia, cardiac hypertrophy, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary oedema, congestive heart failure, extreme somnolence, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome; O2 therapy may be fatal, as it removes the chemoreceptor drive needed for respiratory movement

Pickwick syndrome

Cardiopulmonary obesity syndrome, sleep apnea/obesity hypoventilation syndrome A complication of extreme obesity, with marked cardiovascular compromise, ↓ tidal and expiratory reserve volumes, alveolar hypoventilation, hypoxia, cyanosis and hypercapnia, if severe and prolonged, dyspnea, polycythemia, cardiac hypertrophy, pulmonary HTN, pulmonary edema, CHF, extreme somnolence; O2 therapy may be fatal, as it removes the chemoreceptor drive needed for respiratory movement. See Morbid obesity, Sleep apnea syndrome.