anterior fascicle of palatopharyngeus (muscle)

anterior fascicle of palatopharyngeus (muscle)

[TA] thicker portion of the muscle of the palatopharyngeal arch that passes forward between the levator and tensor veli palatini muscles to attach to the posterior border of the hard palate and the palatine aponeurosis; in so doing, some fibers cross the midline and interdigitate with fibers of the contralateral muscle. Synonym(s): fasciculus anterior musculi palatopharyngei [TA]

an·te·ri·or fas·ci·cle of pa·la·to·pha·ryn·ge·us (mus·cle)

(an-tērē-ŏr fasi-kĕl pală-tō-fă-rinjē-ŭs mŭsĕl) [TA] Thicker portion of the muscle of the palatopharyngeal arch that passes forward between the levator and tensor veli palatini muscles to attach to posterior border of hard palate and palatine aponeurosis.