anterior cutaneous branches of femoral nerve

anterior cutaneous branches of femoral nerve

[TA] cutaneous branches of the femoral nerve distributed to the anterior and medial aspects of the thigh; they convey general sensation. Synonym(s): rami cutanei anteriores nervi femoralis [TA], anterior femoral cutaneous nerves

an·te·ri·or cu·ta·ne·ous branch·es of fe·mor·al nerve

(an-tēr'ē-ŏr kyū-tā'nē-ŭs branch'ĕz fem'ŏr-ăl nĕrv) [TA] Cutaneous branches of the femoral nerve distributed to the anterior and medial aspects of the thigh; they convey general sensation.
Synonym(s): anterior femoral cutaneous nerves, rami cutanei anteriores nervi femoralis.