stiff heart syndrome

stiff heart syn·drome

any condition, usually acute, that causes the heart to be restricted in diastole mainly affecting the ventricles and at one time a complication of cardiac surgery.

stiff heart syn·drome

any condition, usually acute, that causes the heart to be restricted in diastole mainly affecting the ventricles and at one time a complication of cardiac surgery.
A nonspecific term for ventricular pump failure due to restrictive heart disease
Aetiology Idiopathic, or related to amyloidosis, constrictive pericarditis due to radiation, mycosis, trauma, tuberculosis, haemochromatosis, myocardiopathy

stiff heart syndrome

Cardiology A nonspecific term for ventricular pump failure due to restrictive heart disease Clinical Chest pain, exertional dyspnea, ↑ venous pressure, extra-diastolic murmurs, hepatomegaly, ascites, edema Etiology Idiopathic, or related to amyloidosis, constrictive pericarditis due to radiation, mycosis, trauma, TB, hemochromatosis, myocardiopathy. Cf 'Stone' heart.