Acronym | Definition |
TML➣Terminal |
TML➣Toronto Maple Leafs |
TML➣Tactical Missile Launcher |
TML➣Tokyo Metropolitan Library (Tokyo, Japan) |
TML➣Texas Municipal League |
TML➣Tape Manager and Librarian |
TML➣Tata Metaliks, Ltd. (India) |
TML➣Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum (Latin: Treasure of Latin Music) |
TML➣The Medical Letter (publication) |
TML➣Team Leader |
TML➣Toronto Medical Laboratories (Toronto, Canada) |
TML➣Total Mass Loss |
TML➣Tomolo (tomorrow) |
TML➣Test Model |
TML➣Telecommunications Software and Multimedia Laboratory (Brussels, Belgium) |
TML➣Technology-Mediated Learning |
TML➣Tutorial Markup Language |
TML➣Transducer Markup Language (application) |
TML➣Thickness Monitoring Location |
TML➣Telecommunications Markup Language |
TML➣Trans Manche Link (consortium building the Channel Tunnel) |
TML➣Thickness Measurement Location |
TML➣Transportable Moisture Limit |
TML➣Telephony Markup Language |
TML➣Terrain-Matching Localization |
TML➣Taxonomic Markup Language |
TML➣Talk More Later |
TML➣Terence's Markup Language |
TML➣Television Microwave Link |
TML➣Tell Me Later |
TML➣Timeline, Inc. (former stock symbol; now TMLN) |
TML➣Tow Missile Launcher |
TML➣Text Me Later |
TML➣This Magnificent Life (online magazine) |
TML➣Truck Mounted Launcher |
TML➣Textual Modelling Language |
TML➣Toyo Media Links Corporation (Japan) |
TML➣Test Method Level |
TML➣Télescopes à Miroirs Liquides (French: Liquid Mirror Telescopes) |
TML➣Toronto Metropolitan Library |
TML➣Tellme Markup Language (proprietary precursor to VXML; Tellme Networks) |